CHART ROUND As an educational program?
…Chart Round Chart: to follow or record sth carefully and in detail. Round: a regular series of visits.
…Chart round Educational programs in hospitals are usually based on: Patients Lectures: lecturer's information Documentations
… Chart round Why documentation?
…Chart Round Why documentation? Legal aspects Giving Information to other health care personnel or learners. Financial: cost evaluation,insurrance support Training,research treatment, follow- up Data source Evaluation,aproval Performance improvement
…Chart round For a proper documentation note to the following points: How to document? What to document? When to document? Who documents?
…Chart round To have high quality documentation there should be: Accuracy, accessibility Comprehensiveness Consistency Currency Definition Granularity Precision,relevancy,timeliness
…Chart round A teaching program based on hospital charts :to evaluate standards of chart writing The more reliable information, the more valid patient evaluation, follow up, extracted data, AND less legal problems
Different learning schedules based on charts
Different…. Cost rounds Treatment rounds Prognosis…