Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 What Nadab & Abihu did… They offered “strange” or “profane” fire to burn their incense v. 1b This fire was that “which the Lord had not commanded them” v. 1b Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 What Nadab & Abihu did… They offered “strange” or “profane” fire to burn their incense v. 1b “As opposed to that which is upright, true, and lawful. As opposed to the holy fire.” - Gesenius, p. 242 [Hebrew Lexicon] Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 God’s response v. 2 He sent fire from His presence & consumed them…they died before Him immediately He was angry and disappointed enough He was just in His proportionate response Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Moses’ and Aaron’s reaction v. 3 Moses felt compelled to “remind” his brother of what God had previously said v. 3a Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion “This is what the LORD spoke, saying: ‘By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people I must be glorified.’”
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Moses’ and Aaron’s reaction v. 3 Moses must have sensed something in his brother…possibly, he was about to respond to his sons’ death inappropriately He needed to be reminded of the importance of properly approaching God in worship Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Moses’ and Aaron’s reaction v. 3 To Aaron’s credit, he received Moses’ words He recognized what Moses as right He “…held his peace” v. 3b He didn’t respond emotionally or in anger at what happened to family cp. 2 Sam 6:6-10 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Moses’ and Aaron’s reaction v. 3 How many people today fail to heed Aaron’s good example in “holding their peace?” How many make emotional, family-based objections to God’s commandments re: religious topics? Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 God’s further instructions vv. 6-7 Aaron & his 2 remaining sons were told, “Do not uncover your heads nor tear your garments” v. 6 [signs of mourning] Such would cause their own death It would also bring God’s wrath on Israel Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 God’s further instructions vv. 6-7 Aaron & his 2 remaining sons were told, “Do not uncover your heads nor tear your garments” v. 6 [signs of mourning] Mourning for Nadab & Abihu would have indicated more concern for them than for God’s will and His commandments Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 God’s further instructions vv. 6-7 They were also told, “Do not leave the Tabernacle…you still have the anointing oil on your head” v. 7 They still had to show respect & deference to the procedures of their priestly office Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Applications… Nadab & Abihu’s “presumptuous sin” is recorded for our learning Rom 15:4 We need to heed its lesson Re: proper worship and respect for God’s commands cp. Mt 15:3-6, 9 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Improper Worship Lev 10 Applications… Nadab & Abihu’s “presumptuous sin” is recorded for our learning Rom 15:4 We need to heed its lesson Re: placing God above & before family concerns cp. Lk 9: :25-26 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num God’s people have always faced obstacles These “obstacles” have been made worse when one segment of the people began to rebel and the majority listened to them This would begin a “plague” that swept through the people Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num That is the “theme” to this Bible story The consequences for sin are easily seen when considering what took place when the 12 spies returned from their mission Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Israel leaves Mt. Sinai Num 10:11 They are instructed to break camp How long had they stayed? Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
Israel Left Egypt 1st year, 1st month, 15th day Israel Arrives At Mt. Sinai 1st year, 3rd month, 15th day Ex 19:1 Israel Leaves Mt. Sinai 2nd year, 2nd month, 20th day Num 10:11 11 months, 5 days
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Israel leaves Mt. Sinai Num 10:11 They are instructed to break camp How long had they stayed? In almost a year, Israel received the Law, the priesthood was established, the Tabernacle was built (all re: the worship of God) Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Israel leaves Mt. Sinai Num 10:11 They had been at the mountain long enough Deut 1:6-8 God’s intentions for them when they left was to go take possession of the promised land Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Moses orders 1 man from each tribe to serve as a “spy” 13:2-20 Gather information re: the land & people Bring back word re: the cities Actually, the people proposed the idea to Moses Deut 1:19-25 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion