Water and Land Biomes By Melinda Clements
Tropical Rainforest Facts Usual temperature is 26 degrees calicoes. Rain height more then 3 meters usually. Lots of different plants because of rain. Locations Two places are Brazil and Costa Rica Ocelot Toucan Iguana Ape
Grasslands Facts One interesting thing is that the grass there used to be over 2 meters tall Another is mostly the only trees there are the ones near streams and water. When the grasslands change many animals die, only the strongest survive. Locations Two locations are the Midwest of USA and Canada. Wolf Zebra Lion Quail
Deciduous Forest Facts They normally are in cooler places. Which don’t have a lot of rain. All the trees there which are deciduous trees lose their leaves during winter. Locations A lot are in eastern America And in Europe. Taw owl Raccoon White tailed deer Fox
Taiga Facts Almost all trees haves needles like the pine. Mostly cold all the time. Its dry but not to dry. Locations This biome can be found in Canada and Russia. Moose Snowy owl Bear Gray wolf
Desert Facts Some deserts have sand some are rocky. All deserts get few rain and snow. All deserts are hot during day time and cold at night. Locations Deserts can be found every where but two specific places are Africa and North America. Gila monster Camel Jackrabbit Scorpion
Rivers Facts In different rivers live different fish and animals. The reason why is because some rivers are fast some are slow. The animals that live in rivers can’t live in the ocean because of the salt. Locations Two river are the Nile in Egypt and the Amazon in Africa. Turtle River Otter Alligator Dolphin
Wetlands Facts The wetlands have tall grass called saw grass. Some of the grass is three meters tall. A wetland is mostly water for about part of the year. Locations Two locations of a wetland is Florida and South Carolina Beaver Green Huron Great Blue Huron Bullfrog
Coral Reefs Facts Usually coral reefs are in warm shallow places. When coral die their skeleton makes a carol reef. If coral reefs are to deep they can’t get sunlight. Locations Some are in the Caribbean Sea and Indian Ocean. Clown Fish Starfish Sea Turtle Silvertip Shark
The Deep Sea Facts In the deep sea sunlight can’t go there. The animals that live there have bodies that have adapted to the water pressure. Since sunlight can’t go there, there are no plants. Locations Two places are near the Galapagos islands and Los Angeles. Glass squid Dumbo Octopus Dragon Fish Lizard Fish
Tundra Facts The tundra is very cold and little rain. On some animals finding food is very difficult. The ground is always frozen except for a few weeks every year. Locations Two tundra's can be found along Russia and Canada. Artic Fox Polar Bear Caribou Musk Ox