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Animal Classification VocabularyMiscellaneous 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Plant Classification
Mushrooms, yeasts & molds are all examples of ________.
Algae is an example of ________.
What kingdom and two smaller groups would a clam be classified into?
Give an example of a moneran.
How would understanding living things be more difficult if they weren’t classified?
A frog is an example of a (an) ________.
Give an example of an arthropod.
Give at least 3 groups (class) of vertebrates.
How are the skeletons of vertebrates & invertebrates different?
In what group are animals with sharp senses and large brains classified into?
Name 2 types of vascular plants.
Where are the tubes found in vascular plants?
Where are nonvascular plants found?
How does water travel through nonvascular plants?
Why are vascular plants generally taller than nonvascular plants?
The largest group into which all living things are classified.
Living things with one cell and NO nucleus.
The act of grouping things using a set of rules.
Living things that are many celled and absorb food from other living things.
What is the smallest group of classification?
Where do the muscles attach in both vertebrates and invertebrates?
Is a turtle a reptile or amphibian?
Name at least one example of a nonvascular plant.
Name at least 2 groups that invertebrates are divided into.
What is the 2 nd smallest group of classification?
Make your wager
How might having sharp senses & large brains help vertebrates survive?
Animal, invertebrate, & mollusk
It would be difficult to find and share information. It would be difficult to find and share information. A bear may be called a bear in one place and a dog in another. A bear may be called a bear in one place and a dog in another.
Beetle, bee, spider, crab, mite, ant…
Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish.
Skeletons are on the inside of vertebrates and the outside of invertebrates.
Trees, ferns, rose bush, grass…
Roots, stems, and leaves.
Dark, damp places
Water is passed from cell to cell.
Tubes in vascular plants help give it support and can move water and food throughout the entire plant. Tubes in vascular plants help give it support and can move water and food throughout the entire plant. Nonvascular plants slowly pass water from cell to cell. Nonvascular plants slowly pass water from cell to cell.
At the moveable joints.
Moss & liverworts
Arthropods, mollusks, & worms.
Allows them to respond to things around them. Example: They can hear/see/smell their prey or predators.