Or, “Everything you wanted to know about Maths in school…but were afraid to ask!”.
To share with you our current calculation policy. To demonstrate how we teach maths at Meadow Lane. To share with you the changes to the National Curriculum. To offer ways in which you can support your child at home with a consistent approach between home and school. To highlight the importance of the firm foundations of maths…challenge but do not rush.
To be taught the specific skills needed in calculation (+ - x and ÷ ). To understand what they are doing and why. To enjoy maths. To leave school with solid mathematical foundations in order to help them in adult life. Do we all agree these are all equally important?
* Number bonds to 10 and 20 ( ie 7+3=10, 18+2= 20) * Basic multiplication and division ( 2,5,10) * The language of Maths. * Fractions ( ½, ¼, 1/3 ) * Addition and subtraction to 100 * Number and Place value ( units, tens and hundreds) * Time ( o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past etc. ) * Measurement ( weight, length, capacity) * Money ( everyday money- calculating change) * Problem solving * Handling data ( graphing, tables, sorting data) * Shape and space * Today we will focus on the red highlighted examples
is worth a look.
To begin with, children need to learn to: * Recite numbers in order. * Count reliably – 1:1 correspondence and the 6 skills of counting. * Recognise numerals 1-20 and put them in order. * Know one more or one less than a given number. * Record number through pictures.
Later on we use partitioning to split a number into tens and units or hundreds, tens and units. We use different resources to help the children see what is happening: Have a go at using the resources.
* The children use this knowledge of number (alongside place value in Key Stage 1) to help them with calculation – that is, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. * Being able to count forwards and backwards, recognise numbers and their worth and apply their thinking is integral to any area of Maths.