Kraków4FutureDaQ Institute of Physics & Nowoczesna Elektronika P.Salabura,A.Misiak,S.Kistryn,R.Tębacz,K.Korcyl & M.Kajetanowicz Discrete event simulations.


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Presentation transcript:

Kraków4FutureDaQ Institute of Physics & Nowoczesna Elektronika P.Salabura,A.Misiak,S.Kistryn,R.Tębacz,K.Korcyl & M.Kajetanowicz Discrete event simulations Prototype board construction ( Drift Chambers, TOF wall in the Forward detector of PANDA )

Modeling DAQ (Krzysztof Korcyl & Radosław Trębacz) The PTOLEMY environment: – (classic version) –DE (Discrete Event) domain simulation program maintains time-ordered list of moments when the modelled system (or part of it) is allowed to change –C++ to build models of components; –Tcl-like scripts to connect components and form architectures; –ROOT to process proprietary ascii files with results –Easy and quick to start: unified and simple interface between components –Substantial expertise (K.Korcyl): modeling TDAQ system (Linux PCs + large GE network) for the LHC experiment ATLAS. Other environments: SystemC, (?) – need evaluation of overheads

Modeling DAQ - II Modeling steps: –Questions: specify questions/issues of interests („how does it work?” – does not work; rather: what is max throughput, how long queues, etc) –Parameterization: simplify components as much as possible but with sufficient details to reproduce behavioral aspects relevant to the issues studied. Each model has a list of measurable parameters. –Calibration: collect values for the model parameters for the software processes: instrument software with time stamps and run dedicated test measurements. for the hardware components: use oscilloscopes, logic analysers in dedicated setups. –Validation: model test setups using parameterized models – cross-check with measurements – refine parameterization or/and calibration if necessary –Prediction: predict performance for the full size system with nominal rates: evaluate various architectures and impact of the possible policies on the overall system performance

Source Sink Node 1 Node N Node 2 Node N-1 Ring Architecture

Compute Engine GBitEth In Intelligent Switch GBitEth Out FIFO Busy Processing Node FIFO

Operation Data is transported between nodes via UDP (no check for packet loss or transmission error) If the local compute resource is idle, the raw input data is converted into processed data, and send to resource for processing If the local compute resource is busy, the data packet is forwarded to the next node in the chain Forwarding of processed data from the compute engine has priority over transporting raw data The switch can transport in parallel –Raw data from the input to the compute source –Processed data to the output At some point, packets will be lost because: –they were forwarded to the sink without being processed –of the network limited throughput Question: –What is the rate of packet loss as a function of the parameters of the system –What is the FIFO occupation in each of the processing nodes

Initial Set of Parameters Raw data packet size (<1500 bytes) Processed data packet size (<1500 bytes) FIFO size (<64 KBytes) Compute time (> 1  s) Load (generated by the source: < 100% GE) Number of nodes

TDC for Future DAQ? Multichannel (32), multihit devices (internal memories): HPTDC (CERN), TDC-F1 acam,.. Variable resolution i.e HPTDC: 785ps, 195ps, 98ps, 25ps (LSB) - measurement wrt. free running clock, self calibration Filtering of hits according to trigger matching mechanism: Trigger latencies up to 50  s, overlaping trigger handling time Input hit rates up to few MHz/channel High output data rates: MHz clock, 8-32 bits parralel output  Does it fit our requirements?

Many different timing detectors : i.e PANDA: Scintilators, Drift chambers, CBM: RPC’s : 1 : 0.03ns resolution needed Forward (Drift chambers to be build in UJ Kraków): Hit rates up to 0.3 MHz, 1ns resolution, ns time range, 6k wires  trigger rates? PANDA: many different trigger types, trigger latancies?, reaction rates of up to 10 7 reactions Intermediate step (?): TOF system for HADES RPC(M.Kajetanowicz) 4 TDC/board: time, Time Over Threshold Fast Ethernet interface: ETRAX 100 Mbit/s Switch 1Gigabit Ethernet Node

Data driven TDC architecture Trigger FIFO (16) 4 channels grouped 8 x