Jenny Craven, Research Associate CERLIM, Manchester Metropolitan Univ. The EIAO project is co-funded by the European Commission, under.


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Presentation transcript:

Jenny Craven, Research Associate CERLIM, Manchester Metropolitan Univ. The EIAO project is co-funded by the European Commission, under the IST contract STREP.

The European Internet Accessibility Observatory - Scope: Three year project: Sept 2004 – Partners from 10 institutions across Europe. Developing reliable methods and tools for large- scale assessment of websites accessibility. Checking websites with the developed methods and tools. Making the results available at different levels. Helping stakeholder groups such as web masters and web designers to improve accessibility. Helping policy and decision makers to assess accessibility of websites.

Elements of EIAO Web Accessibility Metrics (WAMs) based on the WCAG. An Internet robot (ROBACC) for automatic data collection on web accessibility. A data warehouse (ROBACC DW) providing online access accessibility data.

Involvement of users in the project: User requirements for accessible web sites. Levels of awareness of accessibility issues. Levels of use relating to accessibility and web development. Opinions relating to Observatory features. Encourage a user-driven approach to the development of the European Internet Accessibility Observatory.

Problems identified Keyboard access. Lack of ALT text or poor use of ALT text. Page organisation. Site navigation. Mark up. Language. Multimedia. Downloading. Inability to personalise. How these relate to WCAG 1.0: 9 Priority 1 checkpoints 11 Priority 3 checkpoints 21 Priority 2 checkpoints First findings: End users.

First Findings: Stakeholder Groups. Requirements: – Examples of best practice. – Monitoring accessibility. – Show errors AND how to fix them. – Configurable levels of detail for assessments and reports. Issues raised: – Need for automated AND user testing. – Limitations of automated testing. – Reliability of results. – Legal concerns over accessibility statements.

Future work Development of Observatory software based on end user and stakeholder requirements studies. Iterative feedback from users & further development. Clustering with 2 other EU funded projects to develop a Unified Website Evaluation Methodology for the EU. Visit the website at: