The Colorado Plateau Mark Gorenc Dina Freedman GEOG 6950
Geography Image of the CP like this or similar 130,000 square km roughly equal to Alabama Bound by the Uintas, Rockies, Wasatch Range, Rio Grand Rift, the Mogollon Rim and Basin and Range Province Known for stunning geologic features and national parks
Physical & Geological Characteristics Elevations range from 1 to 4.2 km and average is 1.6 km Landscape is relatively undeformed Precambrian igneous basement with a thick sedimentary cover Known for distinct structural and erosional features
Crust and Lithosphere Properties Compression by Farallon Plate Subduction Farallon Plate sinking Initiates buffer free upwelling Asthenosphere invasion into lithosphere Generally controversial topic Modified from Humphreys et al. 2003
Chronology Faulting in Basement Rocks Sedimentary Basin Fill Farallon Plate Subduction and compression Sinking of Farallon and extension Upwelling of magmatic intrusions Lithoshere-Asthenosphere interaction Incision of Rivers to create today’s features Modified from Plummer 2005