Australia Australia is a country and continent. It is one of the largest countries on EARTH! It is one of the 7 continents.
It is known as the land down under because it is below of the equator
Australia is like the United States in many ways Australia is like the United States in many ways. Most people live in or near cities. They speak English. They work in buildings like your parents.
United States Australia The weather in Australia is warm and pleasant. The warmest months in Australia happen when we are having winter in the United States. United States Australia
More than 1/3 of Australia is desert
The Outback The middle part of the country is called the outback. The outback does not get very much rain and is very dry. Not very many people live in the outback.
The Outback In the outback, there are some sheep and cattle ranches (property.) There are about ten times more sheep than people in Australia. Sheep are raised for wool and for meat.
The Outback There are not many schools in the outback. Children who live on stations and can not get to school use a two way radio to hear their teachers' lessons.
Marsupials The most famous animals in Australia are marsupials. A marsupial is a mammal that has a pouch to carry its young. Some kangaroos can jump 30 feet. The koala sometimes stays in the same tree for days and is endangered.
Koala Bear
Wallaby A Wallaby is most closely related to the kangaroos just smaller and look very similar.
Kookaburra Bird There are many other interesting animals in Australia. When the kookaburra calls, it sounds like a laugh.
Spiders Australia is home to many of the deadliest species of animals on the planet. There are 36 deadly kinds of spiders in eastern Australia. There are 20 types of deadly venomous snakes.
Tasmanian Devil It is the size of a small dog It is characterized by its stocky and muscular build, black fur, pungent odor, extremely loud and disturbing screech, keen sense of smell, and ferocity when feeding. The Tasmanian devil's large head and neck allow it to generate the strongest bite per unit body mass of any living mammal.
Great Barrier Reef This is the world's largest reef. It is also home to the greatest variety of plants and animals found in any location. Dive in to see fish, coral, clams, seaweed and turtles.
Today Sydney is Australia's largest city Today Sydney is Australia's largest city. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most unique buildings in the world.
Rainforests There are several rainforests in Australia.
Australia is the 4th largest producer of gold.
Australia's national sport is Cricket Australia's national sport is Cricket. Cricket is a little bit like our baseball but it is played with eleven players and wickets. Australia won the Cricket World Cup in 1999 and 2003. Another favorite sport in Australia is Australian Rules Football. It is a little bit like soccer and rugby. Rugby and soccer are also extremely popular. Australia is also famous for the boomerang. The aborigines used the boomerang as a weapon. Today, children use it as a toy.
Australian Flag
Every July, Alice Springs in the Northern Territory holds The Alice Springs Camel Cup. The first Camel Race was run in 1970 and started out as a bet between two Alice Springs mates but has since grown to be an entertaining fun yearly event with all the proceeds distributed to local charities.