Indigenous Peoples Dialogue on Climate Change for COP 21 By: Edward Porokwa- Pastoralists Indigenous NGOs Forum- PINGOs Forum
Dialogue on Indigenous People Supported by UNDP on October 1-2, 2015 at Arusha Attended by more than 40 indigenous peoples representatives from all areas of indigenous peoples Attended by high level government representatives including negotiators from the Vice president office Ministry of Finance Prime minister office Local Government District Authority Ministry of Natural resource and Tourism Different development partners
What was Unique about it It is the first one that brought together the high level government into a dialogue with Indigenous people Well attended by relevant stakeholder. Provided an opportunity for both parties to make presentation and interrogate each other First time that indigenous peoples got the opportunity to know what the government intend to address during the COPs sessions. Provided an opportunity to know what the government and indigenous peoples have to share in common as positions ( adaptation)
What were discussed There were presentations of Indigenous peoples where the following issues were stressed: Climate variability as a reality -Climate change as justification for land grabs Prolonged droughts. -Desertification. -Invasive species. -Drying water points.
TWO ISSUES CAME FROM INDIGENOUS PEOPLES 1. Reality of climate change and its direct impacts to Indigenous peoples 2. Climate change interventions and the impacts to indigenous peoples
Impact of climate change Immediate caused by Draught Deforestation Flood Desertification Invasive species. The above causes Food insecurity Decline of Traditional institution Unnecessary Mobility Conflicts Loss of livestock and properties 6
Impact caused by mitigation interventions of CC Restrictive and suppressive policies Inappropriate plans and programs Land insecurity Lack of involvement poverty increase Unemployment Urban migration Land conflicts unnecessary mobility 7
Outcome of the consultation Indigenous peoples came out with a resolution that was submitted to the government The resolution provided recommendations that indigenous peoples sought to the government and to the global community.
Priority massages and recommendations Support recognition of a human rights-based approach which respects indigenous peoples' rights in climate- change agreements and related actions
Priority massages and recommendations Support inclusion of indigenous traditional knowledge and role of indigenous peoples in adaptation and mitigation in the Paris agreements and other future actions. Recognize and support of indigenous peoples' community- based monitoring and information systems (CBMIS)
Priority massages and recommendations Domesticate human rights instruments that support the human rights of Indigenous peoples including the UNDRIP and other relevant UN and Regional instruments. Tanzania to make necessary incorporation of the rights of indigenous peoples in its legislation
Priority massages and recommendations Support indigenous peoples in adaptation and addressing visible impacts of climate change including emerging of invasive species, increasing and emerging of new animals diseases, conflicts with other land users Facilitate community forest management by indigenous peoples and ensure co existence of indigenous peoples with their natural resources including the wildlife.
Priority massages and recommendations Provide a framework for early warning and contingency plans that incorporate both conventional knowledge systems and indigenous knowledge
Priority massages and recommendations Ensure and support traditional an communal land ownership and mobility Ensure that indigenous peoples, particularly pastoralists and hunter gatherers take part in management of their natural resources through appropriate land use mechanisms