Best College Choice By: Zack Carroll
Good Reasons To Learn From This College Earn Credit For Previous Training or Work - Some high schools have established articulation agreements with NADC. What this means is that you may receive credit for your high school training or work experience if you qualify. Guaranteed Training - After graduation, you may review any part or all of your technical training at no charge at all - as often as you want - even years later. No Books to Buy - All books are furnished by NADC. Books used in technical courses written by NADC instructors are yours to keep. On Campus Dormitories and Cafeteria - NADC has on-campus housing. Off- campus housing is also available. Receive Credit Toward ASE Certification - ASE credits NADC graduates with a full year toward the two year work requirement for certification. NADC graduates receive the maximum amount of credit ASE awards to any graduate of a post- secondary school. ASE certification tests are given twice a year right on the NADC campus. Student Financial Aid Package - No need to miss out on an education due to lack of money! If you qualify, NADC can offer you a student aid package to at least cover the cost of tuition.
What All They Teach You About Diesels Make it big working with the big rigs! Gear up for diesel training at Lincoln and get a heavy-duty education in repairing and maintaining these mechanical giants. From 18-wheelers to buses, trains and mining and construction equipment, you’ll get hands-on experience in every aspect of diesel training with industry-standard vehicles and tools, from certified instructors. Whether you go for the Diploma, Associate* or Advanced Degree* Diesel programs, skills learned at our Diesel School can put you in big demand around the country. And after graduation, Lincoln’s national placement assistance can give you the competitive edge you need to start your career as a real “mover and shaker” in the world of big rigs and diesel engines.
Hands On Training You’ll receive hands-on training in: Diesel Engines and Repair Truck Brakes & Chassis Diesel Fuel Systems Diesel Electronics & Diagnosis Hydraulic Applications And so much more…
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