Not So Deep Blue
LED chess board Detect piece movement Magnets/Reed switches Show possible moves Track game time (picture taken from a DIY project)
Criticality Levels High Possible safety hazard from LEDs Failure of LED drivers I2C Module Failure Over heating Low Functionality issues Individual part failures such as microcontroller, touch sensor, etc.
Component Analysis Micro controller circuit – Atmega 128 Power Regulator circuit LED driver circuit Crystal Oscillator circuit
Parameter Value λ b Π t 1.3 Π p 0.44 Π s 0.4 Π q 3.0 Π e 6.0 λ p 0.015
Failure No. Failure Mode Possible Cause Failure Effects Method of Detection Criticality A1Micro controller unresponsive Faulty chip Entire board will not work Simple blink code Low A2Board over heating Faulty power reg. Burn chips Observe High A3 LED display not correct LED driver Brightness /Accuracy Observe High A4Microcontroll er clock incorrect CrystalData accuracy Oscilloscope High