台中市立長億高中 參與教育部中等學校跨領域 美感教育實驗課程開發計畫 — 音樂課暨英文科之跨領域教學 The Application of Aesthetic Education in English Teaching-- Learning the Arabian World : Seven Continents and Aladdin and other stories from the Arabian Nights, English song—A Whole new World 英文科 林佳蓉老師
AGENDA 1.Students learn and have a concept of the location of the seven continents in the world map. Students can recognize the location of Arabian world or countries. 2. Students watch Aladdin movie beforehand at home. The instructor guides students to read the story. Worksheets are applied to reinforce the reading and speaking comprehension. 3. Students learn the song “A Whole New World” the song from the movie Aladdin. By singing the song with the worksheet, students’ pronunciation and listening proficiency is improved.
1 ST P ERIOD OF C LASS Students learn and have a concept of the location of the seven continents in the world map with the worksheet and the clips. Students can memorize the seven continents. Students can recognize the location of Arabian world or countries.
2 ED P ERIOD OF C LASS 1. Students watch Aladdin movie beforehand at home. 2. Broadwayshow clips (1)The Cast of 'Aladdin' Performs 'Arabian Nights' Live (2) BQC Aladdin Preview (3) Aladdin, Jasmine and Genie are hitting Broadway are shown in the class to introduce students the Arabian culture. 3. Students can recognize the features of Ariabian culture. 4. Students review the story on line with the clip played. Fairy Tale: Aladdin read by John Krasinski from Speakaboos 5. The instructor guides students to read the story. Worksheets are applied to reinforce the reading and speaking comprehension.
3 RD P ERIOD OF C LASS 1.The song, “A Whole New World,” from the movie Aladdin is played. (1)A whole new world with lyrics (2)A Whole New World Recording Session =RDpi_Ocd9IALc#t=8 2. Students learn to sing the song “A Whole New World,” 3. Boys and girls are divided into two groups to practice the song. 4. By singing the song with the worksheet, students’ pronunciation and listening proficiency is improved. 5. Students can memorize the melody and the song.
C ONCLUSION Q & A Thank you!