OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE English Language Requirement for Public Sector Workers Draft Code of Practice Consultation
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Introduction 2 Government Manifesto Commitment “legislate to ensure that every public sector worker operating in a customer facing role must speak fluent English.” Immigration Bill Introduced to Parliament as Part 7 Draft Statutory Code Of Practice Formal consultation launched Policy Development 17 September 13 October 14 April
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Scope – Functions of a Public Nature 3 The policy is maximalist in its definition of the public sector, and defines public authorities as all organisations or persons exercising a function of a public nature. It will capture all customer-facing staff directly employed by these organisations, as well as staff substituting for directly employed staff (e.g. agency workers, individual contractors and consultants). It will not at this stage cover private and voluntary sector providers of public services, but the Minister for the Cabinet Office has reserved a power to extend to these groups. Public Authorities Temp Staff and Sub-Contractors Third Sector Voluntary Sector Private Sector Agreement with Public Authority
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Approach 4 Aim Engagement Strategy Government Response Our overall ambition is to ensure the Code of Practice is fit for purpose and provides the necessary level of guidance to enable public authorities to meet the new duty. In addition to the online consultation, we will target specific stakeholders in order to obtain a more in-depth and focused level of engagement. This targeted consultation is necessary to produce an informed Code of Practice, which is essential to the successful implementation of the new duty. We expect to analyse responses from the consultation and key stakeholder engagements early in This will help shape, develop and finalise the Code of Practice for publication, and take clear account of any impact to implementation. Transition Following Royal Assent, there will be a transition period to align processes and procedure to the new duty.
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Balancing the Policy Intent 5 Policy Intent Application & Delivery The Public Sector is extensive and diverse. The policy intent to have a common requirement for spoken English across customer-facing roles, provides flexibility and autonomy to public authorities to ensure they are able to implement the necessary standard across different roles and functions.
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE The Policy in Practice Proportionality Complaints Remedial Action Standard 6 Existing staff and new starters No higher standard than necessary Describe the required level of spoken English – the Common European Framework for Languages Testing at interview Making members of the public aware Training, re-deployment and dismissal Alignment to existing processes Additional obligations
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Workshop Objectives 7 Policy intent and guidance within the draft Code of Practice Content and provisions in the draft Code of Practice Test New burdens, impacts and cost implications Case studies or relevant examples to support the draft Code of Practice Understand Evidence Identify
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Consultation Guidance Legal Obligations Standards Best Practice Extension Cost Affect Complaints Enforcement Data Examples No of Workers Employment Status Impact Burden Private Sector Voluntary Sector No of Workers Definitions Alignment Adherence Existing Minimum Case Studies Transition Period Key Questions The consultation aims to gather views on the content, scope and potential impact of the Code of Practice. Each authority and/or profession may need to take more specific questions into consideration. Efficiency Public Confidence Health and Safety
OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE Estimated Costs and Assumptions 9 Key Considerations – gathering information and evidence Assumptions on familiarisation costs - how much of a burden would this be? Complaints/Appeals - possible costs resulting from an increased volume. Recruitment - test any possible recruitment- related costs. Remedial Action - what is the expected percentage of training/re-deployment?