INTRODUCTION Tourism products are complex because they exist in 2 different levels: ▫The package holiday which is a combination of the products of individual sectors (accommodation, transport, destinations and visitor attractions) ▫The products of these individual sectors which can be sold as stand-alone products (air ticket & theme park visit)
TOURISM PRODUCT AND SERVICES They are largely services Marketers have attempted to clarify the differences by stating the characteristics of services: ▫Intangibility ▫Inseparability ▫Heterogeneity ▫Lack of ownership
CONVENIENCE VS. SHOPPING GOODS Convenience goodShopping good Typically has a low price and is bought frequently. Generally satisfy lower-order need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Involved consumer routine problem-solving behaviour High brand loyalty Typically has a high price and is bought less frequently. Generally satisfy higher-order need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Involved the consumer in extensive problem-solving (more difficult set of decision, lengthier decision time and higher level of commitment) Low brand loyalty
High involvement in purchase decision and high consumer commitment ▫Because of the nature of the products and services ▫Non-routine ▫Every purchase occasion will show difference approaches ▫‘shop around’ before coming to a decision ▫Process will take longer time High levels of insecurity linked to intangibility ▫Because of the intangibility nature of the products and servicces ▫Looking for reassurance about choices ▫Process will involve many people and agencies
THE COMPLEXITY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN TOURISM Considerable emotional significance ▫Major event in an individual’s life ▫Substitute products and services might be considered in place of a holiday Strongly influenced by other people ▫Member of family & other reference groups Long-term decisions ▫Plan made long way in advance High-level of information search ▫Carry out extensive information search before making their final choice
THE TOURIST DECISION-MAKING PROCESS The decision is an outcome of a complex process. Motivators and determinants are factors that affect the holiday purchase decision. Choosing a destination is not the last decision tourists have to make – further set of decisions about what to do/where to travel/where to eat when they arrive at the destination.
MODELS OF PURCHASE DECISION- MAKING IN TOURISM Moutinho (1987) published a vacation tourist behaviour model, which is different from the rest in 2 respects: ▫It recognized 3 distinctly different stages: Pre-decision stage and decision process Post-purchase evaluation Future decision-making ▫It explicitly noted that purchase decisions are a result of 3 behavioural concepts: Motivation Cognition Learning
A CRITIQUE OF PURCHASE DECISION MAKING IN TOURISM Common weaknesses: ▫Based on little/no empirical research – little evidence ▫Outdated – at least 15 years old & do not include factors such as the impact of the internet, LCC, all- inclusive resorts etc. ▫Originated from the US, Europe and Asutralia.
PURCHASE DECISION-MAKING AND MARKETING IN TOURISM Understanding of tourists’ decision making will help marketers: ▫When to attempt to influence consumers ▫The choice of advertising media ▫The selection of appropriate distribution channels