Section One: Label as “Synonym” Number 1-10 without skipping lines. Draw a line under #10 this section is completed like: Word: synonym 1. antique: old
Section Two: label as “What’s my clue?” number 1-10 skipping lines. Draw a line under #10 (skipping one line) This section is complete like: First line: C. write the clue (evidence) from the worksheet 1. C: an old 1932 Ford Second line: R: write what that clue is telling you R: 1932 was a long time ago
Section Three: Label as “Definition” number 1-10, without skipping lines this section is completed like: word: definition (use a dictionary) 1. antique: old and often valuable
When you have completed Section 3, using the dictionary definition, go back and check your answers in Section 1. If you got it right, highlight the word. If you got it wrong, change your answer, but DO NOT highlight In your writing, focus on using the non- highlighted words so you can practice using those words.
Section 1: Number your paper from 1-10, without skipping lines Example: 1. antique: old Section 2: Label the next section “What’s my clue?” Number the lines 1-10, skipping lines in between First line: E. write the clue (evidence) from the worksheet Second line: R: write what that clue is telling you Section 3: Label the top of this section with “Definitions” Word: definition (use a dictionary) Final Step: highlight the words in section 1 that are correct, and fix the words that were incorrect.
Section 1: (label context clue #9 or #10) 1. Concise: Opposite: too long and overblown True Meaning: to the point, exact. Section 2:“What’s my clue?” First line: E. write the clue from the worksheet Second line: R: write what that clue is telling you Section 3:“Definitions” Word: definition (use a dictionary) Final Step: highlight the words in section 1 that are correct, and fix the words that were incorrect.