IFBLS Student Forum 2012
1. Education 2. Examination forms 3. Clinical education/practical education 4. Teaching forms 5. Profession and future
1. Education a)Level of education for a biomedical scientist? Bachelor, Master or other? b)Do you have a national core curriculum? c)Which kind of grading system do you have?
2. Examination forms a)Which forms of examination do you have in your country? Oral, written, practical or other? b)Which form do you prefer? c)Which form you think gives the largest learning outcome?
3. Clinical education/practical education a)Do you have clinical education/practical education? If yes, how many weeks? b)What forms do the examinations have? c)How satisfied are you with the supervision during clinical training?
4. Teaching forms a)What form of teaching do you have? Lectures Literature PBL, problem based learning E-learning Web-based learning e.g. you tube, wikipedia Learning Management System/Platforms e.g. forums, presentations, links and videos from teachers, communication possibilities and quizzes. b) Others?
5. Profession a)What is the English title of our profession in your country? BLS or other? b)How visible are biomedical scientists in your country? c)Do you think that biomedical science and scientists need to be more visible in your country? d)How do you think it can be done?
a)How do you think teaching will look in the future? b)What are your expectations regarding your professional future in Biomedical Science? c)Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 6. Future