The following photographs represent a week’s worth of food for families around the world.
Which families consume more fruits and vegetables? Which families consume LEAN protein? Which consume more empty calorie snack foods? Answer the questions as we go through the pictures of each family
Family in Italy
Family from Germany
Family from Bhutan
Family from Ecuador
Family from Mexico
Family from Chad
Family from the United States
We are the nation with the richest food supply in the world.
Special dietary needs Hydration Nutrition goals
9.NPA.1.2 Organize meal plans to meet special dietary needs for athletes, pregnant women, diabetics, and those experiencing allergies. 9.NPA.1.3 Recognize the benefits of folic acid and other vitamins and minerals 9.NPA.2.3 Summarize the effects of hydration and dehydration and preventive measures for dehydration 9.NPA.2.1 Plan vegetarian diets that are balanced and nutrient dense
Age Gender Activity Level Pregnancy Diabetes Food allergies Lactose intolerance Celiac disease High blood pressure High cholesterol
Your body needs more calories during your teen years to support growth As you get older your needs will change based on activity level
On average, females tend to need fewer calories than males Throughout their lives, females have a greater need for some nutrients ◦ Iron & Calcium ◦ Pregnant women need extra nutrients as well as calories
The more active you are, the more calories your body needs Teen athletes may need from 2,000-5,000 calories per day, depending on their sport and on the intensity, length, and frequency of training
Teen girls should drink about 9 cups of non- caffeinated fluids each day Teen boys should drink 13 cups Preferably WATERWATER Athletes need more water due to the fact when sweating the body loses fluids. Fluids must be replaced to avoid a heatstroke or dehydration Symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, dizziness, and lightheadness
An unborn baby receives nourishment from the mother Need to consume an additional 300 calories per day to achieve a healthy weight gain Females at a healthy weight before pregnancy can gain between lbs.
Gaining too little weight can result in a small, underdeveloped baby Gaining too much weight can result in an early delivery ◦ Increase mother’s risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and varicose veins Pregnant females are encouraged to take prenatal vitamins to provide a balance of nutrients: ◦ Calcium ◦ Protein ◦ Iron ◦ Vitamin A ◦ Vitamin B complex ◦ Folic acid Folic acid Reduces the risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect Spina bifida– born with a spine that is not closed
Must monitor their eating carefully Blood sugar must stay in a healthy range Diabetics who use insulin must tailor the amount of insulin they inject to the amount of carbohydrates in the foods they eat Some people can control their diabetes without medication and just by carefully controlling the carbohydrates in foods and beverages they consume
Can range from simply annoying to life threatening People with severe food allergies must avoid the foods and ingredients they are allergic to They must carefully check the ingredients on food labels and when dining out make sure to ask their server specific questions about how the food is prepared Food Allergies Report Food Allergies Report
People with this food intolerance can’t easily digest the lactose in milk and some dairy products Solutions: ◦ Consume smaller amounts of milk or get your calcium from cheese and yogurt, which contain less lactose ◦ Take lactase (the enzyme needed to digest lactose) in liquid or tablet form when they eat dairy products
Gluten intolerance ◦ This condition makes people unable to tolerate a protein called gluten Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley Treatment: ◦ Avoid these grains and anything made from them, including bread and pasta ◦ There are many gluten-free options available in the grocery store, you just have to look! ◦ Managing Celiac Disease Managing Celiac Disease
“Silent Killer” ◦ Can result in heart problems, stroke, or kidney problems with few or no warning symptoms Eating salt can raise a person’s blood pressure This effect is stronger in some individuals than others People with high blood pressure are often encouraged to keep their salt intake low Eat to Lower Blood Pressure Eat to Lower Blood Pressure
Cholesterol= a waxy, fat-like substance in your blood ◦ Needed to create cell walls, certain hormones, and vitamin D ◦ Too much cholesterol can build up and clog arteries ◦ Raises your risk of heart disease People with high cholesterol may need to reduce their intake of saturated fats and trans fats ◦ These fats increase cholesterol production in the body
Need a balanced diet that supplies enough nutrients to support health Need more calories to provide additional fuel Need more protein and carbohydrates then inactive people
Some athletes may try to gain an extra edge by using performance enhancers. Performance enhancers- substances that boost athletic ability. Many of these substances pose health risk especially for teens. Using performance enhancers is illegal and has been banned under the rules of many sports organizations
Anabolic Steroids ◦ Dangerous drug, illegal without doctor’s prescription, have same effects of male hormones (androgens) in the body, boost muscle growth Androstenedione ◦ Weaker form of androgens that the body produces naturally. Athletes take it to build muscle however actual benefits are doubtful Creatine ◦ Helps release energy, gives quick burst of power and reduces muscle fatigue. However it can hurt performance due to side effects ( cramps and nausea) high doses damage heart, liver and kidneys Energy Drinks ◦ Contain high amounts of caffeine. Provide quick energy in unhealthful way by increasing heart rate. Can hurt performance due to losing fluids, leading to dehydration
Provides body with energy it needs to get through competition Eat 3 or 4 hours before competition Choose meals high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein Fat and protein stay in digestive system for a longer time Pasta, rice, vegetables, breads and fruits are good choices to eat before competition Drink plenty of water before, during and after competition
Vegetarian- person who eats mostly or only plant-based foods Strictest vegetarian only eat plant based foods and are known as vegans. Other types of vegetarians include ◦ Lacto-ovo vegetarians who also is dairy foods and eggs ◦ Lacto vegetarians who add dairy foods to their diet ◦ Ovo vegetarians include eggs to their diet
Many believe is more healthful to choose a meatless diet Others are vegetarians for religious, cultural, or economic reasons or because they prefer vegetarian foods
Lower in saturated fat and cholesterol Higher in fiber Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease Reduce risk of some types of cancer
Lower certain nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and some B vitamins Some vegetarians may need to take a dietary supplement- products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute for healthful food
Contains a variety of foods including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods Choices such as nuts and legumes, as well as eggs and diary products, can help vegetarians consume enough protein
You will now work on creating a goal for eating healthy and exercising
A well-written goal should have these characteristics: Doable ◦ Something you can realistically accomplish in the next 3 weeks. Specific ◦ It gives clear details of what you want to do. Measurable ◦ It allows you to determine or measure if you have accomplished your goal at the end of 3 weeks.
Poorly Written: I want to exercise more. Well-written: I will jog 3 days each week for at least 20 minutes each time. Poorly Written: I will eat less junk food. Well-written: I will only eat 1 serving of fats, oils, or sweets each day. Poorly Written: I will eat more fruit and lift weights more often. Well-written: (Choose one) I will eat 3 servings of fruit each day. OR I will lift weights for 30 minutes 3 times each week.
Imagine that you have been asked to write an advice column that focuses on health issues for the local newspaper. Prepare a response to the following letters.
A friend is trying to lose weight and has been eating very little. He drinks water and take vitamins and other dietary supplements. Is this a safe practice? I’m worried about my grandmother. She is drinking some liquid that her friend told her would make her stronger. She doesn’t eat much to begin with. I’m afraid that this stuff is taking the place of real food. What should I do?