What to Expect When You’re Expecting By :Emily Burd
What You Can Expect Your doctor will check: Weight Blood pressure Urine (for sugar and protein levels) Hands and feet for edema (swelling) Legs for varicose veins (twisted veins that become enlarged) Will ask about your symptoms to check for anything unusual Can discuss your questions or problems
What You May Be Feeling Physically- Fatigue Need to urinate frequently Nausea Constipation Heartburn Food cravings Occasional dizziness and headaches Emotionally- Instability Emotions will change often Irritable
What You May Be Concerned About Venous changes- Very normal to have red or blue lines across thighs or abdomen because of an increase in your blood supply or hormone changes Veins where the skin begins to swell is not normal and could be varicose veins, in which case you should see your doctor Complexion problems- A secretion of oils is brought about by hormone changes so breaking out frequently is very normal Can only be prevented by drinking a lot of water, moisturizing and washing your face, and sticking to a healthy diet Waistline expansion Most women don’t start to show until the third month If you are showing in the second month, you may be taking in too many empty calories
What You May Be Concerned About Continued… Losing your figure Flab gained after pregnancy is usually a result of gaining too much weight by eating the wrong foods Can still get your form back after having a baby by paying attention to your diet and exercise while you are pregnant A tilted uterus About 1 in 5 women have a tilted uterus Not usually a problem, just creates a heaviness on your bladder Heartburn and indigestion Does not affect the baby; it sometimes can benefit your baby because it allows more time for better absorption of the nutrients To prevent: eat six small meals instead of three big ones, don’t wear clothing that is tight around your abdomen, eat slowly, and stay upright for several hours after eating
What You May Be Concerned About Continued… Food aversions and cravings Changes in tastes occur Cravings for certain foods - most of the time these are not nutritious foods and should be substituted for something healthier Milk aversion or intolerance Calcium is absolutely necessary so substitutes will be needed Cholesterol If you had been limiting your cholesterol before your pregnancy due to diet reasons, you no longer should because it is necessary for fetal development A meatless diet (red meat) Fish and poultry are great substitutes As long as you keep a lot of protein in your diet, you do not have to eat red meat
What You May Be Concerned About Continued… A vegetarian diet Have to be very careful to get enough protein and calcium in your diet May have to depend a lot on vegetable proteins if you are vegan Low-carb diets You should not limit your carbs during pregnancy because you must keep a very balanced diet Junk food Substitute junk food with healthier options because you have to keep your diet nutritious You will gain a lot of unnecessary weight that will be hard to lose after you have your baby if you don’t eat the correct foods Fast food Do not eat fast food frequently and when you do, pick the healthiest option by checking the nutrition information
What You May Be Concerned About Continued… Chemicals in food Everything is made of chemicals and most are not harmful No food or additive has been proven to cause birth defects Sushi safety No sushi or raw oysters and clams during pregnancy Spicy foods Usually cause more heartburn and indigestion but it does not hurt the baby in any way Spoiled food Check expiration dates carefully If by accident, it is not dangerous to the baby If you do get food poisoning, drink a lot of fluids
What It’s Important to Know (Accidents) You will have less balance Always wear your seat belt Do not climb on anything Don’t wear high heels or any shoes that could break Keep night-lights so you don’t stumble Observe safety rules of sports Don’t overdo it, get enough sleep Check house for hazards