Pregnancy and Lactation Life Cycle Nutrition
Prior To Pregnancy Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight Choose and adequate and balanced diet Be physically active Avoid harmful influences
Weight Prior To Conception Underweight –Preterm Overweight and obesity –Post term –Cesarean section
Weight Gain
#2 b
Weight Gain #4 c
Exercise During Pregnancy Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning
Energy And Nutrient Needs #6 c #13 b,c
Nutrition-Related Concerns Nausea Constipation and hemorrhoids Heartburn Food cravings and aversions Non-Food cravings –Pica #7 d #8 b
Nutrition-Related Concerns
High-Risk Pregnancies
Infant’s Birth Weight Low birthweight (LBW) –Criteria: 5 ½ pounds –Causes: Mother’s weight Mother’s nutritional status Mother’s age #1 b #11 d #12 a
Maternal Health Preexisting diabetes Gestational diabetes Pre-existing hypertension Transient hypertension of pregnancy Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Pregnancy in adolescents Pregnancy in older women –Down’s Syndrome
Practices Incompatible With Pregnancy Alcohol; caffeine Illicit drugs; medicinal drugs Herbal supplements Smoking; chewing tobacco (SIDS) Environmental contaminants Vitamin/Mineral megadoses Weight-loss dieting Sugar substitutes
Practices Incompatible With Lactation Alcohol; smoking; caffeine Illicit drugs; medicinal drugs Environmental contaminants #16 b
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome #9 d
Alcohol Prenatal alcohol exposure –Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder = ARND –Alcohol-related birth defects = ARBD
Alcohol Drinking during pregnancy How much is too much? When is the damage done? –1 st trimester – brain, heart, kidney –2 nd trimester – increased abortion –3 rd trimester – growth retardation