Policies and strategies to achieve the Barcelona 3% objectives and the contribution of universities of technology Barcelona, September 9, 2004 Enric Banda Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca
Research and Innovation Europe Basic research Strategy Final remarks Barcelona Contents
Research and Innovation Is there a dilemma?
Funding Research in Europe “National” 95% UE: Framework programme Not a federal system Complex decision making Agencies (Ministries, Councils,..) Barcelona
The gap between in R& D investments between EU-15 and USA (PPS billion, at 1995 prices) Barcelona GAP EU-15 - US TotalBusiness
Private R+D expenditure as a % of GDP Barcelona
The European R+D system: Weaknesses Low investment (public & private) Is the 1/3 – 2/3 a dogma? Fragmentation Lack of competition Decision making process Mobility Lack of fundamental research (EU) Diversity Barcelona
ChallengesChallenges Lisbon & Barcelona –Gap with USA –Consolidate ERA –Achieve 3% ¿Way forward? –New discoveries –Innovation –Education Barcelona
Objectives Human resources Brain circulation Attractiveness Science to business Complicity Increase financial resources Enhance basic research: ERC Human resources Brain circulation Attractiveness Science to business Complicity Increase financial resources Enhance basic research: ERC Barcelona
Barcelona Objectives (communicación June 2004) Centres of excellence Technological initiatives Basic research Make Europe more attractive Infraestructures Improve coordinatión Space and Security Centres of excellence Technological initiatives Basic research Make Europe more attractive Infraestructures Improve coordinatión Space and Security
Basic research: no confusion!!! Basic, fundamental, curiosity-driven, understanding-driven, in the forefront of knowledge, investigator-initiated, researcher-initiated, bottom-up, blue- skies, not applied yet, discovery- oriented, leading edge, cutting edge, long-term, excellent, world-class, first- class, top-notch, …
A European Research Council? Genuine European competition Critical mass Long term research Infrastructures Strategy & policy focus More efficient use of funds Barcelona
Led by scientists Bottom up Excellence as basis for decision Arms´ length from Gov./EC Accountable Research coordination Policy Science education European Research Council Barcelona
Technology and economic growth Medium to long term planning Is Ireland an example? Private sector involvement UT closer to business (social responsibility) Barcelona Strategy
Will we get to the 3%? K&TT Partnership with private sector (with its risks) Preserve mission of universities (cumulative growth and repository of knowledge) Barcelona Final remarks