Common Loon 28 – 36 inches 28 – 36 inches Migration Migration Water Water Small fish and crustaceans Small fish and crustaceans
Tundra Swan 53 inches 53 inches Migration Migration Water, fields Water, fields Grasses, seeds, aquatic plants Grasses, seeds, aquatic plants
Hooded Merganser inches inches Breeding Breeding Water Water Fish Fish
Sharp-Shinned Hawk inches inches Year round Year round Mixed woods and thickets Mixed woods and thickets Mostly birds, some small mammals Mostly birds, some small mammals
Ring-Billed Gull 19 inches 19 inches Winter / Migration Winter / Migration Water, dumps, plowed fields and fast food restuarants Water, dumps, plowed fields and fast food restuarants Almost anything edible Almost anything edible
Downy Woodpecker 6 ½ inches 6 ½ inches Year round Year round Forests Forests Insects, seeds, berries Insects, seeds, berries
Barn Swallow 6-7 ½ inches 6-7 ½ inches Breeding Breeding Open land, farms, fields and marshes Open land, farms, fields and marshes Flying insects Flying insects
Wood Thrush 8 inches 8 inches Breeding Breeding Mixed woodlands Mixed woodlands Insects, worms and berries Insects, worms and berries
BrownThrasher 11 ½ inches 11 ½ inches Breeding Breeding Thickets, shrubbery and brush Thickets, shrubbery and brush Insects and fruit Insects and fruit
American Redstart 5 inches 5 inches Breeding Breeding Deciduous forests Deciduous forests Insects Insects
Yellow-Rumped Warbler 5-6 inches 5-6 inches Breeding Breeding Mixed woods Mixed woods Insects Insects
Hooded Warbler 5 ½ inches 5 ½ inches Breeding Breeding Forest undergrowth Forest undergrowth Insects Insects
Rose-BreastedGrosbeak 7-8 ½ inches 7-8 ½ inches Breeding Breeding Thickets and deciduous forests Thickets and deciduous forests Insects, seeds and small fruits Insects, seeds and small fruits
White-Throated Sparrow 6-7 inches 6-7 inches Winter Winter Brush and thickets Brush and thickets Small fruit, insects and seeds Small fruit, insects and seeds
Eastern Phoebe 6 ½-7 inches 6 ½-7 inches Breeding Breeding Streamsides, farms, yards Streamsides, farms, yards Flying insects Flying insects
Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith Information in this presentation was taken from: *A Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, 5 th ed. Roger Tory Peterson and Virginia Marie Peterson. Houghton Mifflin Company *Bird Song Ear Training Guide by John Feith