Our adventure at N.O.A.A. By: Noreen S. Bautista Hahaione Elementary School, Room F3a Mrs. Hasegawa Thank you for your attention! I hope you enjoy!
Coral Reef The 4th graders from Hahaione went to 5 great field trips! We had lots of fun and learned tons of fun. This picture is about the coral reef and the species that live in it. This coral reef is very healthy. You see, the reef provides lots of shelter, foods and lots of other stuff. The reef is very important if it disappears so does the species that the reef provides to. We should always take care of the reef!
What Next?.... 'Let's search for new land here!‘ shouted the world chief! I will check under ground he said.'' Achoo! I will check way up high' said another. Okay, let’s go then! Then after searching for the new land, they find the wumps. At the end they learn that they should help keep the earth clean and green! So that everyone can enjoy our planet the earth! I learned something to, it’s that you shouldn’t pollute your planet, because that will make you eventually sick! So be green, especially on earth day!
The Voyage The 4 th graders went to five great field trips for N.O.A.A. We all had fun and learned tons of stuff! Each of us has different favorites but mine was the Maritime Museum field trip. Some of the things we learned were about some algaes, the ancient Hawaiians, plants, and corals. I want to thank everyone for helping me understand and learn about NOAA ( Nationalistic, Oceanic Atmospheric, Association)!
Maunalua Bay Going to Maunalua Bay was a great privilege. It was fun and educational! My favorite part was seeing a hawaiian bird in his habitat. It was very fascinating! I also liked the part when we got to plant some vines! That shows that we can be green! If I could go there again I would! One of the things I learned was a new plant that you wouldn’t ever want to have in your backyard is the pickle weed plant. I also figured out that they taste horrible !
What all this means The reason I wanted to do this presentation is because I wanted to show you how great N.O.A.A. really is. I also wanted to show you that “being Green” is vey important for the earth and everything and everyone living on it! I had so much fun doing this and I really want to do it again! I also want to thank everyone who helped me learn about N.O.A.A.!