The Philosophy of Haiku
Previous Knowledge It’s a three-line Japanese poem, and the syllables for each line go Some legendary poets, such as Bashō, may vary the syllables per line; you, however, may not
Definition of and Characteristics that perhaps you didn’t know… Haiku is about one’s interaction with nature or contemplation of or witness to an event. The speaker is tranquil, thoughtful, aware, dreamy; he might make connections or draw parallels
Characteristics It is an ancient art, written vertically in calligraphy
Characteristics it depends on perception, awareness, and suggestiveness they’re always in the present tense because they have to be “of the moment”; the poet is watching something or doing something Because each word is important, they are often read twice
Characteristics They’re often slightly ambiguous so that different readers can bring their own perceptions to it No rhymes, but the lines demonstrate enjambment, as the whole thing is one sentence or thought
Characteristics No titles, but the author’s name may appear as the title or as a red seal
Characteristics And there is often art that accompanies the words
Famous Japanese Poets Matsuo Bashō (1644 to 1694) (popular Jeopardy answer) Yosa Buson ( this is his grave)
Let’s watch a haiku 038/short-and-sweet-celebrating-d-c- s-cherry-blossoms-with-haiku 038/short-and-sweet-celebrating-d-c- s-cherry-blossoms-with-haiku
Let’s look at some Come get the handout!
Assignment Write either 3 haiku or 2 haiku and 1 tanka put all 3 on one page there must be art/decorations or some sort PLEASE pay attention to rules for syllables, subject, style, and effect Fashion a Japanese pen name for yourself to put before each poem like on the sample handout (don’t choose Pikachu or Totoro!) Due __________________