Verbs Present And Imperfect
Tenses Present – happening now – Translates as any of these: Verbs, Is verbing, Does verb Imperfect – an unfinished action – started in the past – either happened more than once in the past, or it is still happening in the present – Translates as any of these Verbed, Was verbing, Did verb
Forming the present Take the infinitive (amare = to love) Drop off the -re (ama = love) Stick on an ending (amas = you love) Tricks to remember: – 3 rd conjugation Short, little, wimpy -e- changes to an -i-. –it goes to –unt in the 3 rd person plural – Regere - regit regunt – 3 rd –io verbs and 4 th conjugation (ONLY verbs ending in –io in the first person singular!!!!!) -io verbs keep the -i- from first person singular in the 3 rd person plural (ghost -i-) – Capio, capere – capit capiunt – Audio, audire – audit audiunt
Forming the imperfect Take the infinitive (amare = to love) Drop of the –re (ama = love) Add -ba- (amaba = loved) Stick on an ending (amabas = you loved) Tricks: – -io verbs keep the -i- as part of the stem all the way through – If you have -b-, you must have an -e-, unless you have an -a-. (-i- is not strong enough to hold a b on its own) Capio, capere – capiebam Audio, audire – audiebam
Amo, amare, amavi, amatus Present Amo = I love, I am loving, I do love Amas = you love, you are loving, you do love Amat = he/she/it loves, is loving, does love Amamus = we love, we are loving, we do love Amatis = y’all love, y’all are loving, y’all do love Amant = they love, they are loving, they do love Imperfect Amabam = I loved, I was loving, I did love Amabas = you loved, you were loving, you did love Amabat = he/she/it loved, was loving, did love Amabamus = we loved, we were loving, we did love Amabatis = y’all loved, y’all were loving, y’all did love Amabant = they loved, they were loving, they did love
Teneo, Tenere, tenui, tentus = hold Present teneo = I hold, I am holding, I do hold tenes = you hold, you are holding, you do hold tenet = he/she/it holds, is holding, does hold tenemus = we hold, we are holding, we do hold tenetis = y’all hold, y’all are holding, y’all do hold tenent = they hold, they are holding, they do hold Imperfect tenebam = I held, I was holding, I did hold tenebas = you held, you were holding, you did hold tenebat = he/she/it held, was holding, did hold tenebamus = we held, we were holding, we did hold tenebatis = y’all held, y’all were holding, y’all did hold tenebant = they held, they were holding, they did hold
Rego, regere, regi, rectus – rule Present rego = I rule, I am ruling, I do rule regis = you rule, you are ruling, you do rule regit = he/she/it rules, is ruling, does rule regimus = we rule, we are ruling, we do rule regitis = y’all rule, y’all are ruling, y’all do rule regunt = they rule, they are ruling, they do rule Imperfect regebam = I ruled, I was ruling, I did rule regebas = you ruled, you were ruling, you did rule regebat = he/she/it ruled, was ruling, did rule regebamus = we ruled, we were ruling, we did rule regebatis = y’all ruled, y’all were ruling, y’all did rule regebant = they ruled, they were ruling, they did rule
Capio, capere, cepi, captus - capture Present capio = I capture, I am capturing, I do capture capis = you capture, you are capturing, you do capture capit = he/she/it captures, is capturing, does capture capimus = we capture, we are capturing, we do capture capitis = y’all capture, y’all are capturing, y’all do capture capiunt = they capture, they are capturing, they do capture Imperfect capiebam = I captured, I was capturing, I did capture capiebas = you captured, you were capturing, you did capture capiebat = he/she/it captured, was capturing, did capture capiebamus = we captured, we were capturing, we did capture capiebatis = y’all captured, y’all were capturing, y’all did capture capiebant = they captured, they were capturing, they did capture
Audio, audire, audivi, auditus - hear Present audio = I hear, I am hearing, I do hear audis = you hear, you are hearing, you do hear audit = he/she/it hears, is hearing, does hear audimus = we hear, we are hearing, we do hear auditis = y’all hear, y’all are hearing, y’all do hear audiunt = they hear, they are hearing, they do hear Imperfect audiebam = I heard, I was hearing, I did hear audiebas = you heard, you were hearing, you did hear audiebat = he/she/it heard, was hearing, did hear audiebamus = we heard, we were hearing, we did hear audiebatis = y’all heard, y’all were hearing, y’all did hear audiebant = they heard, they were hearing, they did hear
Review: forming the Imperfect Infinitive – (-re) + (-ba-) + ending = Imperfect EXCEPT – -io verbs! Use –ieba- SO – 1 st conjugation –aba- – 2 nd Conjugation –eba- – 3 rd conjugation –eba- – BE CAREFUL!! When changing back to the present, the –e changes to an –i!!!! (regebas regis; legebas legis; regebam rego) – 3 rd –io conjugation –ieba- – 4 th conjugation –ieba-
Imperfect: Irregular verbs! Present Sum- I am Es - You are Est - He is Sumus – we are Estis – y’all are Sunt – they are Imperfect Eram – I was Eras – you were Erat – he was Eramus – we were Eratis – y’all were Erant – they were
Imperfect: Irregular verbs! Present Possum- I am able Potes - You are able Potest - He is able possumus – we are able Potestis – y’all are able Possunt – they are able Imperfect Poteram – I was able Poteras – you were able Poterat – he was able Poteramus – we were able Poteratis – y’all were able poterant – they were able