INTRODUCTION: Ellis Island will amuse you with excitement and take you to the past. You can see thousands of people walking through the halls. 7,000 a day 49,000 a week. You should come and explore Ellis Island and explore a national park.
STATUE OF LIBERY The statue of liberty represents hope, freedom and opportunity. People would cry from seeing the statue, or getting sent home.
Ellis Island is a very scary place for immigrants. Immigrants had to go through 6 minute check ups. Immigrant speak several different languages. Ellis Island was named after Sam Ellis. Fun fact Did you now that Annie Moore was the first one to go through Ellis Island?
Immigrants come from so many countries. Immigrants mostly came from Hungary, Italy, Turkey and all of Europe. Immigrants came to get a better life, and to reunite with their family. Immigrants sometimes got separated from their family. Did you know that 3,000 immigrants had to fit on one ship? Fun fact
Doctors examine immigrants in 6 minutes. The doctors put a hook in there eye to see if they hade trachoma. Doctors had to speak many different languages, and asked them a lot of questions.
Come to Ellis Island now and find out what the immigrants were going through and experience a time of your life. You will love hearing immigration stories and seeing greats sites so get up, get on a plane, and go to past!
Ellis Island doorway to freedom liberty, Kroll Steven,1995. Cynthia Kingel, Robert b. Noyed, Ellis Island wonder books, copyright Sander Martin, Island of hope, Copyright, schoolastic,2004.