DevLearn 2015 Vanessa Bailey
Social “Community” Learning “Formalize the informal” 4 requirements for Social Learning –Observation –Retention –Reproduction –Motivation Encourage senior leaders to use informal video –More efficient, more humanizing Formal Learning Social Learning Informal Learning
MOOCs Penn State + Coursera Low completion rate, but the percentage is still a significant number of students Major difference is the scale of the course Instructor enthusiasm; engaging discussions Enhance brand, global marketing, engage alumni, direct revenue, corporate partnerships (~50k per course) Demographics – young, well-educated, currently employed –Implies a training need for the workplace Coursera, Udacity, FutureLearn, Canvas network, edX Unbundling the degree with credentialing, CBL, etc Bundle MOOC courses into specialization areas + Capstone for more info about MOOCs Courses Certifications Degrees Cost Faculty Commitment
Emerging Technology Personalized learning, “piece it together” –Quora, Chatter, Twitter Feed Google analytics – insert JavaScript into a course and then get a feed Inspiration: Autodesk 123D Catch – 3D scans of an object Don’t Make Me Think (Book on UI Design) – interactive video Multi-device capability increasingly criticalhttp://
Augmented Reality 2 ways to leverage it: –Location-based, overlays over real life –Picture-based, triggered by an image Could be video, form, 3D image, subscription – almost anything –Enders channel for examples Aurasma, Layar, Wikitude Heavily used by those at the conference, especially in the medical field QR code without the trigger; picture-based learning enhances future connections
Interactive.pdf Can embed a 3D model, interactions, video… Adobe In-Design to create Works best in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, but most features still work in other readers
HTML5 source code, templates, and more Parallax scrolling design/parallax-scrolling http:// design/parallax-scrolling for video and graphics to turn a standard web page into a mobile app Google Chrome – freedeveloper tools in the browser for testing for for fonts that can be embedded in the web page
Data Analysis and Mobile Scenario based questions rather than terminology based - doesn't have to be complex to be effective Beware of benchmarking data against competitors - what does their data even mean? Determine the standards for data prior to rolling out the course –this should also drive the type of data we're collecting Authenticity of environment, think of mobile as “where” not “how” learners learn Direct people to chat as needed, otherwise, learners may get distracted by it
CBL CBL specific –UW Flexible option program using Brightspace LMS –CBL is not new, has been around for healthcare for a long time –Bartman's wheel of competency model –1 to 1 assessment to competency model –Faculty more grading, less on teaching –Letter grade and pass/fail, need an A or a B, then need to tetake it –Subscription period, 2 attempts usually dropped and then take again in next cycle, if fail again, directed to regular courses Course Design –Bloom's taxonomy to align to assessment type –Considerations are maintenance, grading effort, creation effort, and scalability. –1 assessment mapped to multiple types of assessment, paper quiz scenario etc –Encourage brainstorming from SMEs, not handing over a perfect product –Google test - if I can Google it, it's not a good question :) –Mapping is key - see photo. Ensures viability of assessments in the course –6-8 months per course for development
Further Reading