Mind maps were developed in the late 60s by Tony Buzan as a way of helping students make notes that used only key words and images.Tony Buzan They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. The non-linear nature of mind maps makes it easy to link and cross-reference different elements of the map. –Peter Russell
Mind Mapping is an alternative method of note taking, one which uses an artistic (stream of consciousness) approach.
Mind Mapping Mind mapping, whole brain note taking, uses both sides of your brain to study subjects usually only studied with your left brain. Using both sides of your brain substantially increases your brain power and memory.
Mind Mapping
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.diagramwordsideas It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing. - WikiPediageneratevisualize structureclassifystudyorganization problem solvingdecision making
Mind Mapping Mind mapping as a note taking technique can be used for almost any subject and done in any language. It is especially useful for students in tertiary education and beyond, and this is because the more advanced the studied material, the greater the need to condense and simplify it in a form that is easy to learn.
Mind Mapping
Tony Buzan, the father of Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping Both Halves of the Brain are used. The left half is used for logical thinking and finding information material and the right half is used for the pictorial representation of the Mind Maps This synergy effect helps you to organize and structure your toughts better. The special features of the Mind Map technique are :
Mind Mapping The central or main idea is emphasized more clearly. The relative significance of each idea becomes evident in a more meaningful way. The most important ideas are near the center, and less important ones at the edges. The advantage of Mind Maps compared to linear lists:
Mind Mapping The result is that the remembering process and repeating technique are faster and more effective. The nature of the structure makes it possible to retain new information easily and without the deletions and squeezed-in additions which affect clarity. The advantage of Mind Maps compared to linear lists:
Mind Mapping The shape and contents of each Mind Maps is clearly different from any other. This assists the remembering process. In the creativity writing area, such as the preparation of essays and speeched. the Mind map model, which is open to all sides, makes it easier to link in new ideas. The advantage of Mind Maps compared to linear lists:
Mind Mapping This combination gives you more ideas and makes you more creative. You can remember the individual items in the Mind Map more easily and later recall the more quickly. You can use Mind Maps everywhere, whether in complex problem definitions, in solving problems, employee planning, your daily to-do list etc. Your Benefits:
Mind map of mind mapping laws.
Why use Mindmaps? Used for recall. Makes planning and note-taking fun. It is more effective for improving the creative thought process as well as recording ideas and information. It is faster than “note taking”, therefore it saves time and helps to organize material. Symbols can be used. Things are more easily remembered when BIG and in COLORCOLOR The author can FREE associate and see relationships between concepts.
How to Mind Map; General Suggestions
Mind maps seem to have the same rules as a BRAIN-STORMING session… 1)No judgment. 2)No pausing. 3)Do it quickly. 4)Record ideas.
Using Mindmapping; applications Weekly plan (including my roles, goals and major "to dos" for the week); meeting minutes; training notes; planning social functions; etc. For idea generation. When you finally get to the “Big Idea”, all of the other components are laid out in front of you, grouped by kind. You can move around the map and pick out the supporting themes, tag lines, product line extensions, etc. Mind mapping capitalizes on the basic idea of brainstorming, which is "piggybacking" one idea onto another.
Resources You can download a copy FreeMind. It is FREE, and easy to use. See: