The Treasurers’ Cashbook
Treasurers’ Questionnaire Responses
The Treasurers’ Cashbook Developed by Matthew Brunt of Gloucester Diocese Free EXCEL based software most suitable for smaller parishes with income <£100k Will produce simple R&P or accruals accounts and the Return of Parish Finance Available to download with the WORD manual from the website
Tips Cashbook is password protected, password can be released if required, though risk of corrupting the spreadsheet exists. Avoid cutting and pasting data around the cashbook – use the sort keys instead to sort entries by date/account etc. For larger churches a commercial accounts package may be preferable (e.g. Finance CoOrdinator / SAGE / etc).
Updates and Support Version 5.1 will be out soon, and is expected to include a more sophisticated accruals version; the ability to set up regular standing orders and a Gift Aid tab An annual training session is held in December/January for new users of the cashbook, covering cashbook basics and aspects of receipts and payments accounting, including fund accounting. To register your interest in attending this day, please contact Chris Gould in the finance office