My Classroom
Audience Italian I - Grade 9 ACTFL Level: Novice-Low Three lessons of 40 minutes each.
Goals and Objectives Students will learn vocabulary related to classroom objects. Students will learn how to use the Italian Definite Articles. Students will be able to conjugate regular –Are Verbs in the Present Tense.
Introduction This lesson focuses on introducing vocabulary to describe classroom objects. Students will also learn how to use Definite Articles in order to be able to describe objects in the classroom. They will learn how to conjugate –Are Verbs in the Present Tense. The lessons include several activities to complete in class.
Procedure: Day 1 Show the whole class the video of “In the Classroom.” Say the names of the objects and get them to repeat the words as it's easier for them to remember the correct pronunciation. Use the projected image as visual aid, pronounce the new words and have the students repeat them. Give out the sticky labels to students and get them to go round the actual classroom and stick them on the correct objects.
Procedure: Day 2 They will watch the video and they will complete a worksheet. Then, they are going to review the vocabulary with questions and integrate the definite articles. Click on Flash Cards to master the pronunciation of the new words.Flash Cards
Procedure: Day 3 Introduce the Present Tense of the –Are verbs by showing to video. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in the Present Tense.
Class Activities 1.Distribute worksheet with pictures of the objects on in one column and the words in another column. They must match the picture to the word. 2.Use Quizlet to create flashcards that they build up during the year.Quizlet 3.Give the students a picture of an empty classroom where the students have to draw their own objects onto it. In pairs they describe their drawings to their partner who in turn draws the extra objects onto their picture. This way the end pictures should look the same. 4. For Interactive Educational Games go to: Molto Bene Italian Flashcards Matching Concentration Word search
Credits &sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIk6XDnuCTyQIViSweCh1EmwyP#tbm=isch&q=classro om+clipart+transparent&imgrc=hjjKDsA5LJ2hkM%3Ahttps:// &sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIk6XDnuCTyQIViSweCh1EmwyP#tbm=isch&q=classro om+clipart+transparent&imgrc=hjjKDsA5LJ2hkM%3A &sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIk6XDnuCTyQIViSweCh1EmwyP#tbm=isch&q=student s+clipart+transperant&imgrc=7qlX_euKJJB3TM%3Ahttps:// &sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIk6XDnuCTyQIViSweCh1EmwyP#tbm=isch&q=student s+clipart+transperant&imgrc=7qlX_euKJJB3TM%3A &p=%20classroom%20objects%20in%20italian&type= &p=%20classroom%20objects%20in%20italian&type &revid= &sa=X&ved=0CBwQ1QJqFQoTCJS0_vrMk8kCFcqlHgodacABvQ#imgrc=8UqSr 454c1SfyM%3Ahttps:// &revid= &sa=X&ved=0CBwQ1QJqFQoTCJS0_vrMk8kCFcqlHgodacABvQ#imgrc=8UqSr 454c1SfyM%3A