Understanding the Elements of Poetry Poetry-Close Reading Understanding the Elements of Poetry
Vocabulary for Poetry-Building the foundation! Design a flipbook with the following tabs and the terms should ALL be defined in your own words!
Helpful Terminology poem prose speaker stanza impression theme tone pattern reflection repetition mood
Forms of Poetry Free verse narrative ballad sonnet Lyric haiku concrete limerick List poem epic acrostic
Figurative Language literal language figurative language connotation simile metaphor idiom imagery symbol hyperbole personification analogy allusion
Sound Devices alliteration rhythm rhyme rhyme scheme onomatopoeia assonance Consonance internal rhyme
Attach pages to IN as follows: Close Reading of Poetry-IN pg. 81 Text Toolbox Symbols-IN pg. 82 C.L.O.S.E./Poetry Questions-IN pg. 84 Read Closely-IN pg. 85 Observing a Close Reading of Poetry-IN pg. 86 The Arrow and the Song by Henry W. Longfellow-IN pg. 87
C.L.O.S.E. Reading Poetry Consider the title Label the lines and stanzas Observe word choices and figurative language Spot the sounds and rhythm Examine the subject/theme
Observing a Close Reading Close reading is thoughtfully and actively reading and analyzing a text for better understanding. The reader writes responses and comments on the text or on a post-it. This is called annotating. USE YOUR PENCIL AND WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!
What should YOU do when you annotate? Consider the meaning of the title. Number the lines and stanzas. Observe figurative language and work choice. Ask questions about the poem. Spot rhyme and rhythm. Make inferences about the speaker. Find details to support the main idea. Use text details to form inferences.
While reading poetry, ask…. What is the first thing I notice? What might the title mean? What is the subject? Can the subject be a metaphor or symbol? What type of poem is it? How does it sound? Is there rhythm, rhyme, and/or repetition? Are there unfamiliar words? Does the author use figurative language? Does the author make interesting word choices? What can I infer about the speaker? Can I tell the tone and mood? What is the theme?
Attach pages to IN as follows: Poetry-How to Perform a Close Read-IN pg. 88 Barter by Sara Teasdale Handout-IN pg. 89 Reading Poetry with a Partner-IN pg. 90 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth-IN pg. 91 Reading Poetry Independently-IN pg. 92
Maya Angelou’s “Human Family” Listen to the poem “Human Family” as read by Maya Angelou. Write a 1 page written response to hearing her poem. What are some elements of poetry you heard. Be SPECIFIC! You should include at least 3 elements in your response to discuss about the poem. For example: type of poem, figurative language, sound devices (alliteration, rhyme scheme) , mood, tone, speaker, author’s purpose, etc.