THE BUREAU FOR GENDER EQUALITY With restructuring at headquarters (1999), the Office of the Special Advisor on Women Workers’ Questions became the Bureau for Gender Equality, which directly reports to the Director-General.
NEW RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GENDER BUREAU Support for the full implementation of a gender mainstreaming strategy in all aspects of the ILO’s work. An improved knowledge base on gender equality issues. Increased visibility of the ILO’s contribution to gender equality.
MAIN ROLE OF THE GENDER BUREAU Advisor Catalyst Advocacy Mobilization
ILO ACTION PLAN ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING FOR GENDER EQUALITY EVOLUTION – During , ILO and UNRISD carried out a joint research project on the gender focal point system, which assessed progress made and identified gaps in institutional arrangements for gender mainstreaming in the ILO. – On the basis of this exercise, from 1998 to early 1999 tasks teams were set up to work on the implications of gender mainstreaming for the office.
–The Action Plan was developed and finalised using a participatory approach. –The Action Plan was formally endorsed and approved by the ILO Senior Management Team, in November 1999 after a period of consultation and consensus building on draft texts. ILO ACTION PLAN ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING FOR GENDER EQUALITY
DESCRIPTION – The Action Plan outlines principles, goals and implementation procedures to ensure the effective mainstreaming of gender in the promotion of opportunities for men and women to obtain decent and productive work. – The Plan lays out the institutional framework for establishing gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in the achievement of the Organization’s four strategic objectives.
ILO’s FOUR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Promote fundamental principles and rights at work. Create greater employment and income opportunities for women and men. Enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection. Strengthen social dialogue and tripartism.
ILO ACTION PLAN ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING FOR GENDER EQUALITY MAIN ELEMENTS Strengthen institutional arrangements. Introduce accountability and monitoring mechanisms. Allocate adequate resources for gender mainstreaming. Improve and increase staff gender competence. Improve gender balance among staff at all levels at headquarters and in the field.
ILO CIRCULAR The Circular spells out the International Labour Office policy on gender equality and mainstreaming. Implementation of the policy is the responsibility of all ILO staff, at all levels. In the first place, the responsibility for its successful implementation rests with Senior Managers, the Regional Directors and the Programme Managers. Gender specialists and focal points are catalysts throughout the process.
ILO CIRCULAR Action is being taken simultaneously at three levels: SUBSTANCE >Gender equality will be internalised in all ILO’s technical work, support and operational activities, in order to create new analytical frameworks; strengthen the knowledge base and improve the quality of products, services and advocacy. ?All Sectors will apply gender analysis to promote gender equality.
ILO CIRCULAR STRUCTURE ?All sectors will develop and strengthen institutional arrangements to effectively mainstream gender in their work. ?Gender issues will be integrated into new and existing mechanisms for programming, implementing, monitoring and evaluation. ?Accountability measures will be established internally as well as in cooperation with the constituents.
ILO CIRCULAR REPRESENTATION ?Within the Organization, a target has been set of 50% of all professional posts being filled by women by 2010 at headquarters and in the regions, paying particular attention to the gender balance in higher grades and managerial posts. ?Career development opportunities for general staff will be improved and specific measures taken to create a family friendly environment.