Dialogue and partnership working Vicky Redding Engagement Development Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

Dialogue and partnership working Vicky Redding Engagement Development Officer

Compact Voice Charity representing the voluntary and community sector on Compact Co-signatories on national Compact Membership organisation

Compact nationally Has been around for 14 years Basis for DCLG Best Value Statutory Guidance in 2011 One of 6 cross cutting themes in government departmental business plans this year

Compact locally 182 local Compacts across England 82% agree that effort needs to be made to implement the Compact in full Public sector is more positive than VCS

How is the Compact relevant now? Commissioning and decommissioning Ensuring meaningful engagement Localism

What should the VCS expect? “Localism is a rose with many thorns. Many local organisations are finding councils are reducing their grants and other funding. The reason is because their grants from central government have been slashed, as local government is forced to shoulder a disproportionate share of austerity measures.“ Sir Bert Massie

What should the VCS expect? “Expectations need to be two way. Localism requires a different approach to partnership. Each of us has something important to contribute.” Hilary Benn MP

Helping with cuts Compact sets out a clear framework for how to work in partnership Early dialogue and shared responsibility is crucial Ultimate aim is best outcomes for local communities

Birmingham Compact principles Respect Honesty Independence Diversity Fairness Empowering citizens Valuing volunteering

Priorities for Birmingham Compact Strong leadership On-going dialogue Alignment of Compact and procurement policies Training and awareness raising Engagement of VCS

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