Building a Class Lesson Using documents and photos to tell a focused story
The railroad comes to the northland The Northern Pacific Railroad (NPR) discussed its plans for building a line into Dakota Territory, in its 1864 Company Charter.
Pre-1870, reliance on water
The RR worker’s life
Cutting edge technology
The NPR route
Land received NPR obtained 1,626,178 & 48/100 th acres of land from , in Minnesota-Dakota Territory
Year-round civilization
Regulating farms and towns
The rails and the land In its report on the value of lands that the Northern Pacific received from the Federal government, the company estimated the value per acre of land, based on distance from a rail station. The report commented that actual prices would be determined “entirely by the Land Committee” of the NPR.
An empire based on grain
Shipping costs An 1894 lawsuit filed by a rural bank against the Northern Pacific yielded some accurate information regarding shipping costs that were charged by the railroad. By the 1890s farmers wanted railroads regulated by government action.
The RR and small town culture
Rail technology
The Northern Pacific’s property, 1900
Reaction to criticism, 1900
Profits from shipping In 1912, the NPR’s president told an audience in St. Paul that its profits from shipping rates and passenger tickets were far less than critics charged, saying the company’s $3.5 million earnings in 1911 was “less than 1.5% return to the stockholders.”
As history