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Presentation transcript:

PIANC USA and ASCE-COPRI DREDGING 2012 San Diego, CA 22-25 October 2012 Managing Dredged Sediment for Beneficial Purpose, A Conceptual Framework John L. Childs, P.E. Corps of Engineers-Engineer Research and Development Center

Beneficial Use Initiative Objective: The Beneficial Use Initiative is to increase awareness of BU opportunities and provide guidelines to increase the beneficial use of dredged material generated during support of the Corps of Engineers’ navigation mission. Note: The Corps’ Engineer Manual EM 1110-2-5026 is dated 30 June 1987

Beneficial Use Initiative Estimate past beneficial use volumes. Provide consistent beneficial use terminology. Track beneficial use. Identify funding and collaboration opportunities. Identify dredged material optimization tools. Prepare a method to quantify the environmental value. Prepare technical guidelines to evaluate and perform beneficial use projects, and Monitor and apply adaptive management.

Dredged Material SEDIMENT as a RESOURCE Corps 1987 EM 1110-2-5026: Beneficial Use is utilizing dredged material as a resource in a productive way, which provide environmental, economic, and/or social benefits. National Dredging Team’s Dredged Material Management: Action Agenda for the Next Decade (2003): Much of the sediment dredged each could be used in a beneficial manner, such as habitat restoration and creation, beach nourishment, and industrial and commercial development; yet much of this dredged material is disposed in open water, confined disposal facilities, and upland disposal facilities; Beneficial use must become a priority at all levels of management and there must be recognition that dredged material is a valuable resource (EPA 2003). DM is a valuable Resource with beneficial uses of such importance that they should be incorporated into project plans. Technical Framework, EPA/USACE2004.

Technical Guidance for Management of Dredged Material USEPA and USACE 2004 Evaluating Environmental Effects of DM Management Alternatives (33CFR 336.1) (A Technical Framework) USEPA/USACE 1991 Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act Ocean Testing Manual USEPA/USACE 1998 Clean Water Act Inland Testing Manual USACE 2003 Five Risk Pathways for CDFs Island, Nearshore, or Upland Testing Manual

Technical Guidance for Management of Dredged Material USEPA and USACE 2004 Evaluating Environmental Effects of DM Management Alternatives (33CFR 336.1) (A Technical Framework) USEPA/USACE 1991 Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act Ocean Testing Manual USEPA/USACE 1998 Clean Water Act Inland Testing Manual USACE 2003 Five Risk Pathways for CDFs Island, Nearshore, or Upland Testing Manual USACE and USEPA Aquatic Placement of Dredged Material: Testing, Evaluation, Assessment, and Management Manual (TEAMM)

Estimate past beneficial use volumes

Estimate past beneficial use volumes Table 3. Dredged Material Management Category as tracked by DIS (DIS data-base 29-Feb-2012), with estimates of Beneficial Use Tracker (Disp_Type) Material Management Category Percentage of total Dredged Material Management from 1995 to 2011 Estimated Percent of Dredged Material Potentially used Beneficially B Beach Nourishment 5 C Confined 9 1-5 D Underwater Confined 1 0-1 M Mixed, more than one type 10 4-8 O Overboard and open water 47 10-30 S Open water and upland T Beach nourishment and upland U Upland 7 W Wetlands nourishment or creation 8 X Undefined 2-5 Total 100 33-73

DM Placement Options: Location-Specific Beneficial Use Terminology Upland Nearshore Onshore Shallow Water Deep Water DM Placement Options: Location-Specific

Beneficial Use Alternatives--Purpose Habitat Restoration and Development Sustainable Relocation (RSM) Beach Nourishment Shoreline Stabilization and Protection Engineered Capping Aquaculture, Agriculture, Forestry, and Horticulture Recreational Development Commercial Land Development Commercial Product Development

Guidance: Planning/Funding/Authorities Identify funding and collaboration opportunities Guidance: Planning/Funding/Authorities Technical Guidance: Wetland Engineering and Upland Management http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/dots/budm/budm.cfm

Prepare method to quantify the environmental value Ecosystem dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and the nonliving environment interacting as a functional unit. Humans are an integral part of ecosystems. Ecosystems vary enormously in size; a temporary pond in a tree hollow and an ocean basin can both be ecosystems Ecosystem services benefits people, including: provisioning services such as food and water; regulating services such as regulation of floods, drought, land degradation, and disease; supporting services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling; and cultural services such as recreational, spiritual, religious and other nonmaterial benefits” UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005 If ecosystem services are included in the decision-making paradigm, a more holistic approach to management and operations can occur–one that considers an ecosystem-based perspective (Burks-Copes, et al. in progress).

Existing Quantification Methodologies Prepare method to quantify the environmental value Existing Quantification Methodologies Value= significance + Quality + Quantity HEP-Habitat Evaluation Procedure EBI-Environmental Benefit Indicator HBU-Habitat Benefit Units EBU-Environmental Benefit Unit Ecosystem Services Economic Analysis of Ecosystem-Based Management

Quantification General Approach Prepare method to quantify the environmental value Quantification General Approach Define Categories Develop Conceptual Models for Categories List Features (BU) and Attributes (benefits) Identify various methods for quantification Determine weighting factor for each variable Develop algorithm to quantify cost to environmental benefit ratio Illustrate method with several case studies (past or current) Monitoring/Update CSM

Technical Guidelines DM-BU Opportunities Upland Onshore/ nearshore Shallow water Deep water Material Suitability Physical Chemical Biological Regulatory Site Selection Distance Slope Elevation Dredge compatibility Public support Placement Logistics Hydrodynamics Fine Sediment Processes Stability Engineering Tools Funding Base Plan Sponsors MCDA—D2M2

Dredged Material Mgmt SEDIMENT is a RESOURCE RSM and EWN