Mark King Head of Service StreetCare Update Autumn 2015
Quantum 1,600 Km Highways and growing by 10% over 10 years BRISTOL TO BIRMINGHAM valued at £2.4B – spending less than 0.5% on maintaining 16,000 holes dug by Utility Companies – funded to inspect 5% 44,000 Pockets of Open Spaces and growing – many under licence to the developers 32,000 Lights and Bollards – 2 years into 10 year roll out of LED (£14M) – 60% energy saving - £800k / year saving 20,000 Calls per annum 10,000 to Area Inspectors 10,000 to others within SC Target is to Deal with All Enquiry within 10 Working Days 90 to 95% achieved – despite common perception
What this means in your area AreaKm of Highway Helpdesk Calls Litter Pickers Sq.m of Grass (mowers) Frome Vale4692,0533+share733,000 (5) Severn Vale4291, ,000 (2) Southern Brooks2812,0532+share739,000 (4) The Chase1511,8154+share396,000 (3) Kings Forest3872,7482+share770,000 (5) Service Standards ServiceNow (average)Desirable Footways treatmentEvery 200 years60 years Road treatmentEvery 50 years15 years Amenity MowingEvery 25 days15 days Kerb SweepingEvery 12 weeks8 weeks Gullies EmptyingEvery 16 months12 months
Council Wide Service Review - CSP Target Operating Model Calls Dealt with at first point of Contact Migration to customers self helping through Web forms Being able to view programmed works and service standards on-line For StreetCare? Reduction in Back Office and Supervisor by 15FTE (5 Less Inspectors on the ground) Implemented Localism Agenda (10 less Gardeners) - Playing Fields to come Implemented Waste Services Changes
StreetCare SurveyNHT 2015 Satisfaction overall Overall public and alternative transport services3755 Overall cycle facilities Local bus services Public transport information Overall Grounds Maintenance Service55 (10) The condition of pavements and footpaths The condition of cycle routes / lanes3063 The local rights of way network Safety on roads Road safety education Overall highway maintenance service Street lighting Keeping roads clear of obstructions such as skips / scaffolding etc Traffic levels and congestion The condition of the roads Street Cleansing Servise 49 (23) Keeping streets Clear of Dog Fouling 40 (32) Enforcement - dog and flytipping 23 (37) Top of Class Within 10% of Top Perfomance Between median and top How are we doing?
Challenges Lack of understanding of principles of effective behaviour Insufficient staff capacity Cultural fear of failure Structural barriers dis-incentivising
Our Research Behaviour Change for prevention Harnessing Community and Business
Methodology Call for evidence Two roundtable discussions Interviews Three in-depth case
Harnessing Community and Business
Behaviour Change for
Recommendations Embrace preventative approaches Increase community involvement Overcome knowledge gaps and cultural resistance to change Collaborative working and resourcing