SHARING THE PECOS EXPERIENCE PHASE 1 implementation 10 th & 11 th March 9 Users (2 requisitioners, 3 level 1 approvers, 3 level 2 approvers, 1 backup receipter 4 Suppliers. To date 17 orders, (SPEND HERE) action dmv Double entry temporarily System built & users trained in 2 days
SHARING THE PECOS EXPERIENCE PHASE 2 commenced 3 rd June First 2 weeks included data gathering system build from work books for 74 users, liasing with 11 Suppliers for PECOS set up, testing & arranging training dates Training commenced week 3. Discussed interface link Other points perhaps to follow (action dmv) Go live on 5 th August
HARD COST SAVINGS (already highlighted approx 11K of savings or potential savings via combination of collaborative procurement and PECOS) £3.5K 3663 (existing Supplier) TUCO £1.5K Alexandra (existing Supplier) £4K Quothquan Farms £1K BOC (existing Supplier) BENEFITS REID KERR COLLEGE LOOKING FORWARD TO
ACTIVITY COST SAVINGS (processing time, reduced postage, stationery etc.) Order tracking by requisitioners Better use of Procurement time Search facility Addition of Suppliers onto PECOS through time Orders being despatched quicker as received electronically by Supplier BENEFITS REID KERR COLLEGE LOOKING FORWARD TO
Benefits Reid Kerr College Looking Forward To Availability of technical information for reduced margin of error (manufacturer, specification, even pictures if available) Best practice (workflow set, audit trail, terms & conditions)
PECOS Nothing to be apprehensive about Many benefits to be gained Work book is useful tool (establish user list, default nominal codes, default delivery addresses, etc) If possible select Suppliers with higher spends and transactions used across sections of your institution