The linking learning SET CPD activity Benchmark Reflecting on evidence Self Evaluation Tools (SET)
The Linking Learning SET – connecting CPD with pupil learning The Eye diagram in the Linking Learning SET: is a graphic that links pupil and professional learning and helps support participants and CPD providers consider the impact of the CPD opportunity helps participants to gain clarity about needs and outcomes, foci for staff development and strategies that research suggests are likely to work considers impact in its widest sense – in terms of the needs of the school, the children and young people and the participant’s own professional development Back to homepage CPD activity
The Eye diagram – CPD activity (1) Ask the participants, either during or after the programme, to consider each aspect of the diagram and note their reflections next to each box diagram Next, ask the participants to compare their thoughts by discussing their responses in pairs. You could then ask each pair to share with the rest of the group how their perception about the potential impact of the CPD on young people has developed through the activity Back to homepage
The Eye Diagram – CPD activity (2) Back to homepageReflecting on your evidence
The Linking Learning SET – Your evidence When considering the questions below, please refer to the evidence generated through the Eye diagram activity or other available evidence of participants’ relating CPD to their pupils and practice in relation to your CPD activity To what extent did the participants relate the CPD to their pupils and practice? How specific were they in identifying the needs and envisaging success for their individual pupils and their groups? How did the participants define their professional development needs in the light of considering their pupils’ experience of their practice? What support did the participants think they would require to embed and sustain the positive changes? Back to homepage Benchmark
The Linking Learning SET – Benchmarks After reflecting on your evidence look at the benchmark designed from the research evidence about effective CPD for this tool and benchmark – identify which descriptors most closely represent your provision. You might want to highlight them in e.g. different colour or font – briefly try to describe the reasons for your choice in the recording sheetrecording sheet – consider your next steps Back to homepage
EmbeddingTransformin g InfluencingInforming Providers: - Signpost how the focus and context of the CPD opportunity relate to needs and development in the workplace and/or of participants’ learners - Offer knowledge and expertise related to better outcomes for learners and workplace development Providers: - Encourage participants to reflect, in the light of the CPD focus, on their needs in the context of the workplace priorities and specific learner outcomes - Develop participants understanding of new knowledge and expertise linked with better learner outcomes and workplace development - Ask participants to outline which aspects of the training they would try applying in their context in order to improve learner outcomes Providers: - Introduce activities for participants to reflect explicitly on their learners’ needs and starting points to identify their professional development priorities in relation to the focus of the CPD - Introduce activities to develop participants’ skills, knowledge and understanding related to the focus of CPD to enable them to make changes to students’ learning, experience of school (or similar) and their outcomes - Support participants to identify impact at different levels, considering the outcomes for learners to be an explicit element for assessing the effectiveness of the CPD in the long term Providers: - Equip participants with tools and skills to identify what and how learner outcomes would be improved through participants’ professional learning related to the focus of the CPD opportunity and their development of practice - Support the development of participants’ professional values and beliefs and their aspirations for their learners as well as enable participants to make changes to students’ learning and outcomes through equipping them with relevant strategies, knowledge, skills, and tools - Encourage participants to systematically collect and share with colleagues the evidence of their continued development, changes to practice and how learners respond to them Help improve outcomes for children and young people
Recording sheet Descriptor selected ( copy and paste the bullets you’ve highlighted on the ‘wheel’ ) Reasons for selecting descriptor Reflection on further development or next steps What have you learnt by considering the evidence? Has anything surprised you? Will you do anything differently as a result? If so, what? Next steps Back to homepage