WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR THURSDAY: [4 min] Bell Work: Reflection Record 3 reading strategies you used yesterday to read the text excerpt. Turn and talk to group members about how these strategies were helpful. What strategies did your group members share that you might try? Share with class, keep in mind the reason WHY we use strategies…
SSR AGENDA [12 min] Sustained Silent Reading: Can a book answer a question you didn’t know you had? Review norms—expectations that you are reading 2 hours a week at home, response in writer’s note book that should be kept in this room, recording pages read/setting goals, and conferring with teacher about your reading life. You may read your choice OR To Kill a Mockingbird. In your note book, finish this sentence: After reading ____pages, I was reminded of____. [2 min] Book Talk Record book on our “Book Talk” list and remember the book goes on the shelf tomorrow
ANALYZING TEXT [12 min] Double-entry Journal for Miss Maudie and Scout’s conversation How does using a double-entry journal help you find the answer to this question: what factor has been added to the social class hierarchy in Maycomb County? Review your double-entry journal [YOU NEED 4 QUOTES]—talk to group, make improvements Column 1: From the text/explicit (literal meaning) Column 2: Deeper meaning/implicit
HOW DO I READ? [15 min] Reading chapters 6-7. Keep strategies in mind. Listen and write notes as we go. Guiding questions: How does the author show the reader that the characters have changed? Give examples?