HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS + FORMATS Big Picture Questions: TO EARN A PERFECT SCORE ON EACH BIG PICTURE QUESTION, YOU MUST: IDENTIFY TYPE OF QUESTION BEING ASKED (See next slide for types of Big Picture questions). CLAIM: restate the question + provide a complete answer to the question; EVIDENCE: provide evidence—evidence is brief and specific. CONCLUSION: provide a conclusion that is both analytical and summative. Here you should analyze each piece of evidence to show how it supports your claim. When done sum up your message. STYLE: Example—you should outline your response in the following fashion: Q.What is the significance of the Paleolithic era in world history? CLAIM: During the Paleolithic era, humans created a way of life that has sustained humankind over 95% of the time that our species has inhabited the earth. In fact, the Paleolithic lifestyle was not challenged by alternatives until 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. EVIDENCE: E1—initiated technologies--hand axe, Clovis point E2—spirituality—Venus figurines, Paleolithic rock art E3—adapted to environment– “settling down” and migrations from Africa CONCLUSION: Humans emerged in Africa 250,000 years ago and stayed there exclusively for 100,000 years. Archeological evidence reveals that they initiated the use of tool making by flinting stones, using bones and animal skins (hand axe, Clovis point, bows and arrows) for survival. Many were spiritual and buried their dead, built religious figurines (Venus Figurine) and drew art that may reflect spirituality (Paleolithic Rock Art). Many practiced an egalitarian lifestyle and lived in collaboration (Captain Cook’s encounter with Aboriginals of Australia, Strayer p. 21). After the last Ice Age ended many Paleolithic people inspired a great transition and movement throughout the globe (Strayer pp ). While some, such as the Jomon of Japan, learned to live in settlements; others traveled across land bridges to new lands. They are significant because for the first 200,000 years of human life, they endured!
TYPES OF BIG PICTURE QUESTIONS Knowing what you are being asked to answer in a question helps you to model your response. Below are the Strayer text book A.P. World themes: CHANGE: This is a comparison question. Reflect on how things were and how and why they have changed. You must include evidence, its significance and explain how your evidence supports your claim. COMPARISON: This is a comparison question. Compare people, ideas, events, environments, interactions or whatever the question is asking. Be certain to provide evidence, its significance and explain how your evidence supports your claim. DESCRIPTION: Here you are being asked to DESCRIBE something or things. You are to provide facts, describe each fact in detail and its overall relevance to the topic you have been asked to discuss. CONNECTION: This is generally an “educated opinion” question. You are connecting what you have learned in the chapter and evaluating it. Remember to back your opinion with solid evidence and to explain how you made that “connection”.
Second Thoughts: (a): DEFINITION: Always write the term you are to define, and then provide a coherent definition of that term. If you copy the definition from the text or from another source indicate such with quotes followed by the name and the page of the source. Example: “Sub-Sahara Africa is normally divided into two ecological zones: the savanna grasslands….and the forest areas farther south..” (Strayer, p. 349) (b): SIGNIFICANCE: In your own words, explain why the term is historically, politically and/or socially significant. (c): EVIDENCE: Provide evidence either from the text or from another reliable source to support your position in “b” (significance). STYLE: You are to outline your answer. Here is an example of a perfect score: Dream Time: (a)definition—a complex worldview that humans live in a “vibration, an echo… of ancestral happenings…” linking the people of the present with their ancestors of the past. (Strayer, p. 17); (b)Significance —It is significant because it is a window into the spirituality of ancient people. It gives us an insight into ancient societies. (c) Evidence—worldview held by Australia’s Aboriginal people.
REMEMBER WHEN READING THE VISUAL AND READING DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE AT THE END OF EACH CHAPTER: 1 ST ALWAYS SUMMARIZE/OUTLINE THE INTRODUCTION. The introduction is the background information that the author provides to the reader prior to each picture or document. The text book’s introductions tend to run about ½ to 1 full page in length. (IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ AND OUTLINE EACH INTRODUCTION BECAUSE THE INTRODUCTION INFORMS THE STUDENT ABOUT THE DOCUMENT’S SETTING AND RELEVANT HISTORY. BE INFORMED!) 2 ND ANSWER ANY ASSIGNED QUESTIONS REGARDING THE DOCUMENTS (VISUAL AND WRITTEN DOCUMENTS). Answer the question as follows: (a) Visual and Written Document questions ask students to answer a “what” or “why” question. Provide your answer (what, why or your opinion); (b) Provide evidence to back your claim. HOW TO ANSWER VISUAL AND/OR DOCUMENT- BASED QUESTIONS.
MARGIN QUESTIONS Your hw heading should include the following: Your name (first + last), period you take APW, Chapter. Write out each question and the page number of the question. Outline your response. Each answer should include evidence and a conclusion at the end. Outline your work as shown below: EXAMPLE— Change (p. 51): What accounts for the emergence of agriculture after countless millennia of human life without it? E1 (PROVIDE EVIDENCE) E2 (PROVIDE EVIDENCE) CONCLUSION– (Here you explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS how your evidence answers the question. Remember, conclusions are both summative + analytical.) ALL HW SHOULD BE TYPED AND SAVED TO YOUR HOME COMPUTER. IT SHOULD ALSO BE PRINTED OUT AND PLACED IN YOUR HOMEWORK FOLDER. If you are unable to type hw, you should either copy it or scan it. Students are responsible for keeping copies of all work. WORK THAT IS TO BE SUBMITTED TO TURN IT IN WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN CLASS OR PRINTED ON THE HW SHEET. IF YOU ARE NOT CERTAIN, YOU CAN ALWAYS CHECK TO SEE IF YOU NEED TO SUBMIT IT BY GOING TO THE TURNIT IN PAGE.