Small Group Teaching Key Educational Skills Faculty Development Workshop December 8, 2015 Katherine M. Hyland, PhD Marieke Kruidering-Hall, PhD
Small Group Teaching: Agenda 1.Welcome, Introductions, Overview, Rationale 2.Small Group Facilitation: How and Why – Brainstorm Advantages, Challenges, Rationale – Observe & Discuss video clips – Generate list of Best Practices 3.Break out session: Small Groups in Action – Facilitated discussion of challenges of SG & solutions – Observe group dynamics & facilitation techniques 4.Large Group Discussion and Summary – Report back – Wrap up, Evaluation
Introductions Name/Department Type of SG teaching you’re involved with What you’d like to get out of this workshop
Active Learning in Small Groups helps students progress through stages of learning Knows Knows How Shows How Does Cognition Behavior Liz Armstrong, Harvard Medical International, & Crossley J, Humphries G, Jolly B. “Assessing Health Professionals” Med Educ 2002; 36: Miller’s Pyramid
Rationale behind SG instruction: Connecting research of learning to instructional practices Theories of Learning Cognitive Behavioral Social Additive to our understanding of process learning See handout & Irby DM, Acad. Med. 70: , 1995
Cognitive model Learning: requires active reconstruction of meaning and organization of knowledge in memory occurs by building new concepts on old and developing self- monitoring strategies Recommendations for teaching Address learner conceptions: compare and contrast Stimulate active learner construction of meaning around cases Provide opportunities for reflection & self-monitoring Facilitate learning cycle: Exploration, Concept invention or Formation, and Application
Behavioral model Includes behavioral change Occurs by linking stimulus and response by reinforcing appropriate behavior Recommendations for teaching Define clear objectives Provided guided and independent practice Frequent feedback and testing
Sociocultural model Includes social construction of meaning within a knowledge community allowing complex knowledge construction Occurs by internalizing the language and actions of community and emulating role models Recommendations for teaching Orient learners to role and culture Stimulate use of professional language Observe and provide feedback Provide opportunities for reflection & collaborative learning
Expert-Novice Research A.The organization of knowledge in long-term memory is important. Experts have knowledge structures (schemata or chunks) B.Experts have good strategies for analyzing problems and planning solutions. Novices start by plugging numbers into an equation, while experts restate the problem in their own words, drawing diagrams C.The ability to transfer knowledge to new contexts is essential. This is the key to being able to solve unstructured and very complex problems
Conclusion Research on learning provides us with three different lenses on how learners ( students, residents ) learn. Each lens provides additive recommendations to enhance learning Construct their own understanding based on their prior knowledge, experiences, skills, attitudes, and beliefs Follow a learning cycle of exploration, concept formation, and application Discuss and interact with others Reflect on progress and assess performance “Expert-Novice” research informs us about importance of 1.Helping the leaner to organize the knowledge 2.Asking the leaner to reframe and formulate problems 3.Supporting the leaner to apply knowledge to different, complex problems Allow learner to
2. Small Group Facilitation: How and Why? Pair Share: Advantages and Challenges of SG teaching, Rationale (10’) (use handout) Observe & Discuss video clips Generate list of Best Practices
Advantages of SG Teaching/Learning
Challenges of SG Teaching/Learning
Best Practices of SG Teaching
3. Breakout Session: Small Groups in Action Divide into groups of 6-10 Rooms: N-517, N-729, U-80 conference room and U-80 Huddle Rm A Select a facilitator Discuss specific challenges encountered in SG Use observation form to take notes Select scribe; Generate list of solutions for challenges Step Back: Discuss group dynamics & facilitation techniques, provide feedback to facilitator Develop list of best practices Summarize highlights of discussion for report back
4. Report Back and Wrap Up Each group shares 3 min summary of observations, solutions, best practices from their breakout session Take Home points Please complete Evaluation and Action Plan
Small Group Teaching Workshop All workshop handouts and an online Small Group Observation/Skills Assessment Form are available at: oup+Teaching oup+Teaching Thank You!!