The new Hampshire Hub Mark Braggins Bill Roberts
First: A quick look back Protohub - Thinking aloud…prototype…interim News, views, articles Signposting No data store Publishing some open data anyway
Built a strong partnership 20+ members Published a variety of data sets inc: – First to publish Rights of way – Data packs – Aerial imagery,height &near infrared Linking nationally and locally: – “It’s good to talk” Some successes
Hampshire Hub – a new dawn
Main components Website and blog Data store Area profiles
Linked Data "a method of publishing structured data on the Web, so that it can be interlinked and become more useful." Label real-world things with a URL that you can look up Provide both human readable and machine readable versions of all data Emphasise the connections and links between different things Connect to other people's data Use standard terms to describe things
What next? More data: transparency data, aerial photography, planning applications Configurable/extended area profiles Data management tools Working with data users
Lots of appetite to innovate with data (open and closed) Floodhack / BlueLightCamp WuDoWuD IC Tomorrow Connected Cities Challenge – enabling independent living Crowd-sourcing landscape change Expand / enrich the evidence base Towards a sustainable “Data Ecosystem”