F aculty A djunct S upport T eam
Open the “Full Grade Center”
You will first need to create a category Click on the Manage drop down arrow Click on Categories On the Categories page click on Create Category Name the category i.e. “Tests Grade, Quizzes…
Click here
Name it Optional to describe it Click when done
After clicking submit, back to Categories page Click OK at the bottom of page You are now back at the Full Grade Center
Click on the drop down arrow
Name like “Quiz Average”
Click on the category Next, click on arrow to move over
Type in 100 in the box Keep columns weight Equally. Drop highest/lowest grade if desired Best to ignore last option on right side Click “Submit” Type 100
Weighted column needs to be linked to designated column First, create a column to score quiz. Enter: Column name (Quiz 1) Category (i.e. quizzes) Possible points (for now use 100, can change later) Submit Repeat steps and make a separate column for each quiz
Click here
Name (like “Quiz 1”) Drop down menu, pick category (Quizzes) Use 100 unless you know otherwise
Graded Columns are now ready to receive grades Grades will auto be collected in Weighted Column To move columns, use Manage tab & Column Organization on the drop down menu