Reception Induction Workshop
Reception Class Teacher Mrs McDaid-Cairns Reception Learning Support Assistant Miss Waters Miss Chapel -1:1 support
Doors open at 8.55am. School finishes at 3.25pm. Snack time is at am. Lunchtime is from 12 pm to 1 pm. Each day the children will have a phonics, maths and literacy lesson. Over the course of the week the children will also have topic, RE, music, ICT, PE lessons and circle time. PE Lessons will be every Tuesday and Wednesday. Daily Routine
EYFS Curriculum
How will my child be learning The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.
3 Prime Areas Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are: Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development. These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning.
4 Specific Areas As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world; and Expressive arts and design.
EYFS Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside.
When your child is 5 At the end of the EYFS – in the summer term of the reception year in school – teachers complete an assessment which is known as the EYFS Profile. This assessment is carried out by the reception teacher and is based on what they, and other staff caring for your child, have observed over a period of time.
When your child is 5 Another important part of the EYFS Profile is your knowledge about your child’s learning and development, so do let your child’s class teacher know about what your child does with you and any accomplishments at home, such as writing their name, making their own bed, counting to 10, dressing themselves in a morning…
Communication and Language This covers three specific areas: Understanding Speaking Listening and attention
Without good listening and speaking skills, your child will find it difficult to learn in all areas of the curriculum! Talk to your child everyday about anything and everything! Give your child the opportunity to tell you about their day, what they have done and seen. Encourage your child to speak in sentences. Read with your child. Reading gives children access to new vocabulary which will help their communication skills.
Things to try at home:- Play games like ‘I spy’ Sing songs and rhymes together Make a ‘junk band’ with pots & pans Share lots of books together
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Phase 2 Key Words They are split into 2 groups: Tricky Words like ‘the’, ‘go’ ‘no’. Decodable Words like ‘at’ ‘mum’ ‘dad’.
Phase 2 Tricky Words the into to I no go
Phase 2 Decodable Words uphimhad canbigdad gotgetmum notandput hisbacka anasat ifinis itofon offbut
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Reading Ensure your child sees you reading. Read to your child. Show that you are enjoying the book. Bring stories to life by using loud, soft, scary voices! Leave books around your house for your child to dip into. Let your child choose what they would like to read – books, comics, catalogues. Read favourite books over and over again. Enjoy!
Correct Pencil Grip
How to help your child at home… Ensure your child sees you writing. Make words together using magnetic letters. Make up a story together about one of their toys. You write for them, repeating the sentences as you write. When it is complete, they can draw pictures to go with it. Buy stickers of a favourite film or TV programme and make a book about it. Set up a place where your child can experiment with mark-making, both outside and inside, using gloop, paint, sand, pens, stamps and stencils onto a variety of surfaces such as paper, cardboard and material. Collect a variety of pencils and pens, and keep them handy for your child. Create a special writing bag to keep little writing tools in, for travelling in the car or visiting the doctor’s. Change the contents regularly. Praise your child when they mark make!
Number Recognising numbers Counting forwards and backwards Counting on and back Adding and subtracting
Shape, Space and Measure 2D and 3D shapes Pattern Language of measure (mass, length, capacity) Time
How to help your child at home. Count everything! Spotting shapes, patterns and numbers in the environment. Cooking Money How many steps to… Time
Topics Topics that will be covered over the coming year: All About Me Into Space Animals Spring into Life Emergency 999 Minibeasts
Any Questions? ? ? ?
Useful websites Literacy: Video clip that demonstrates phase 2 and 3 sound pronunciation. Games and activities for each phonics phase. Maths: Free games for children to play, focusing on different aspects of maths such as counting, ordering numbers and creating repeating patterns. Online maths activities Activities for all the curriculum areas