APUSH ch. 13 part I
Nature of immigration in mid-1800s? ◦ : 800,000 Euro immigrants ◦ : 4.2 million Euro immigrants Primary immigrants groups? ◦ Irish ◦ Germans Smaller (but still significant) immigrant groups? ◦ English, Scottish, Welsh ◦ Scandinavian (Norwegian, Swedish) ◦ Swiss ◦ Dutch
Reasons for Immigration? ◦ Economic opportunity!!! Land/farming ◦ Religion Quakers British Mormons Irish Protestants ◦ War The European “Revolutions of 1848”
Where did Irish settle? ◦ New England (Boston), NY, NJ, Penn. Why? ◦ Sailed on British ships headed for trade ports on Atlantic coast ◦ Didn’t have $$$ to venture out, settled in cities Where did Germans settle? ◦ Along upper Mississippi and Ohio rivers ◦ Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, Missouri Why? ◦ Sailed on cotton ships headed to New Orleans, then went up Miss. River
Major immigrant cities: ◦ St. Louis (over 60% Irish or German) ◦ NY, Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Detroit (about 50% Irish or German) ◦ New Orleans, Boston, Baltimore (about 1/3 Irish or German)
Diversity? ◦ Religion Catholics, Protestants, Jews, atheists ◦ Occupation Mostly farmers Also doctors, lawyers, artisans, etc. Solidarity? ◦ Common language ◦ No need to go outside communities
First wave: ◦ Mostly Protestants from middle class ◦ Small farmers and tradespeople Second wave: ◦ Poor Catholics ◦ Tenant farmers ◦ Great Potato Famine
What jobs did they take? ◦ Men: Construction, canal and railroad diggers ◦ Women Maids, textile mills Problems faced? ◦ Anti-Catholicism (secret plots) ◦ Nativism Know-Nothings – political party by 1850s
Far West ◦ Trade along California coast ◦ Fur trade in Oregon ◦ Silver trade in New Mexico (Santa Fe Trail) ◦ Settlement in Texas Why did Americans want to settle in Texas (Northern Mexico)? ◦ Land – farming!
Why did the Mexican gov’t want Americans to settle in Texas? ◦ Buffer zone against Indian attacks ◦ Breakdown of mission system How did Mexico lure Americans? ◦ Huge land grants to settlers (empresarios)
What problems developed b/w Mexican gov’t and Americans in Texas? ◦ Americans used slaves (outlawed in Mexico) ◦ Religious, linguistic differences How did Rebellion begin? ◦ Mex. Pres. Santa Anna begins cracking down on local gov’ts ◦ Invades Texas to bring it under tighter control ◦ American settlers decide on independence
Leaders of Texas Rev. ◦ Political – Stephen Austin ◦ Military – Sam Houston Major points ◦ The Alamo – old abandoned mission 187 Texan defenders and volunteers from US Santa Anna kills, captures, executes them all Incl. Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie ◦ Goliad – 300+ prisoners executed ◦ San Jacinto – final battle Houston’s forces surprise & crush Santa Anna’s forces Treaty giving Texas independence Texas ind. nation from