Goals Independence saw the population grow rapidly and there wasn’t enough food to feed all the people Goals were to: 1. Increase the food production 2. Decrease dependence on foreign imports
Industrial Growth Policy Change- Build and use factories to make once imported goods Following a period of industrial success the economy slowed With the help of foreign companies India increased its industrial output
Outsourcing Impact India remains number one place for outsourcing ½ outsourcing labor industry Why? Over a billion people in country Highly educated, English speaking people Lower labor costs Advanced cellular and technological services widely available Economy continues to increase Outsourcing to India
Progress in Agriculture- Slow Start ¾ of Indian population was rural subsistence farmers After independence- no impact on economy Poor soil and Inefficient farming methods Economy revolved around farmers selling extra food and buying manufactured goods
Progress in Agriculture New irrigation systems were set up to account for unpredictable monsoon seasons Ensured steady water supply for an entire year Also ease flooding concerns
Progress in Agriculture Land Distribution Small amount of people had most of the land Government used land reform laws to redistribute the land limit farm sizes
Agricultural Progress Green Revolution-Changes in how to farm New seeds that make larger harvests Problem is that seeds are expensive In many areas people continue to struggle to feed themselves Green Revolution
Economy Now One of the largest budding economies of the world Indian Economy
Review Questions: -Write in your Writing Log- 1. What goals did the government have following independence? 2. What was the major economic problem following independence? 3. What was viewed as the foundation for a successful economy? 4. Name the 3 areas that were changed to fix the problem: