NEED: Pen/Pencil Notebook Assignment Book
GRADES: Test Scores Project Scores Extra Credit (if any)
Prior to the Test All students are given a study guide at least one week prior to the test. The information on the study guide is the information they are responsible for on the test.
ABSENT FOR A TEST The student MUST make up the test ASAP They need to come to the health 7:50 to take it. –If this does not work, I will stay after school to administer it to them.
PROJECTS All information about projects will be given at least one week in advance. Projects are due on the due date. –A late project results in 5 points off for every school day it is late.
EXTRA CREDIT Any Health related article –Newspaper –Magazine –Internet –Pamphlet Summary attached May do two per week –Value = 5 points each
ABSENT Any student who is absent MUST make up all of their work upon their return. I will not ask for a project that was due the day they are absent. –It is their responsibility to turn in the project when they return to school.
Students may borrow a cd of the class notes –It will work on any windows ’95 or newer program –You do not need power point
NEED MORE HELP? I am here at 7:30 am Tuesday – Friday –Room 107 –Extension 4107 I will stay after school when asked You can me at:
FOR NEWS… Check out my web page –I will post the due dates of all projects. –I will post the dates of all tests.