By: Albert Byamugisha, PhD Commissioner, Monitoring and Evaluation Office of the Prime Minister – Uganda Presented at the Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) Workshop 6 th November 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1.Introduction 2.Emerging work on use of Evaluations National M&E Policy Government Evaluation facility Government Performance Assessment Citizens Demand for Accountability through Evaluation Evaluation Capacity Development Programme 3. Conclusion and Key lessons 2 2 Contents of Presentation
1. Introduction Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)- Uganda has Constitutional Mandate of Coordination of the implementation of Government Programmes / Projects. To strengthen coordination in the supply and demand of M&E in country, Sector Working Groups set up to: Provide standards and training agenda through strengthening capacities of sectors To further strengthen the function of evaluation and a stand alone sub-committee on evaluation set-up to give the visibility on evaluation function 3 3
a. National M&E Policy Passed by Cabinet in March 2013 Purpose - improve the performance of the public sector through production and use of objective information on implementation and results Specific objectives: Embed M&E in the management practices of sectors Expand the coverage of public policy and programmes that are subjected to rigorous evaluation Strengthen coordination in the supply and demand of M&E; Strengthen capacities of sectors to implement the policy Emerging work on use of Evaluations
b. Establishment of the Government Evaluation Facility 5 Features of the Facility Designs, conducts, commissions, & disseminates evaluations on public policies & major public investments, as directed by Cabinet; Oversees improvements in the quality & utility of evaluations conducted across Government Has medium term rolling agenda of topics for evaluation, to be approved by Cabinet Has a virtual fund to finance public policy and investment evaluations. Has a set of standards, guidelines and database for guiding and communication evaluation findings 5
C. Government Performance Assessment Government established bi-annual Government Performance Assessments. Government performance reports use scorecard with “Traffic Light” system to assess sectors on performance indicators against set annual targets and spending against budgets Proceedings from the Retreats include: the specific actions agreed upon to address issues raised and possible evaluations to be conducted progress made against these actions is tracked and reported on at the subsequent retreat. 6 6
d. Citizens Demand for Accountability through Evaluation Strengthens citizen’s engagement with the state which enables them to oversee Government spending at Local Government level It is a critical participation evaluation activity and Presidential directive in Uganda. Government representatives present on their activities during the previous year and then the public respond with questions, queries and analysis of their own. Help the civil and political leaders to explain to the community what Local Government does, the amount of funds received from central government and how they are spent. Through this exercise Government leaders and implementers get to know issues that affect their citizens and take corrective measures 7 7
e. Evaluation Capacity Development progamme Has four components: Information events, (populizing evaluation) Development of evaluation standards- Evaluations should meet the standards to improve utility of findings Continuous training courses in short and medium on evaluation Establishment of a blended learning of Master’s course in Monitoring and evaluation at Universities 8
3. Conclusion and Key lessons 9 9 Resources committed and ring fenced for evaluations from Government Budget. Evaluation findings disseminated at the bi-annual government performance retreat of Cabinet Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and Local government representatives. Evaluations are beginning to be viewed positively with by all stakeholders Need to strengthen multi-sectoral collaboration to ensure that cross cutting results from evaluations are translated into use. Evaluation Capacity development for evidence- decision making
An evaluation that is not used to inform decisions is of little value Morra, Imas and Rist, Thank You!