Year-End Documentation of School Counselor Evaluation Barbara Brady, PhD - School Counseling Coordinator Office of Instruction Randall Kirk, Assistant Director Office of Information Systems
What hard copies should school counselors keep? During the school year During the school year demonstration/pilot site school counselors will complete and file paper/electronic copies of the following evaluation documents: Self-reflection (using rubrics and Program Audit) Initial Goal Setting Meeting Notes Mid-year Meeting Notes (if applicable) Standard Element Goal Setting Form Student Impact Goal Setting Form Evidence Observations (if applicable) Only the Year-End Summative rating will be completed on the online evaluation system.
During the school year, only the Year-End Summative rating will be completed FOR SCHOOL COUNSELORS on the online evaluation system. The next few slides provide a step-by-step walk through of the process of completing the end-of-year summative assessment for school counselors on the online system.
What’s Next? Counselor online system is being completed but have not been made public. The complete counselor evaluation will be online this fall that allows counselors to: Complete Self-reflection Document Goals Document Evidence Review Principal observations (if applicable)