William Edson SUNY at Albany
New Results for Fit: Signal Fraction: ± Chi2: Meas. Used: 31 σ : ± New Corrected Results: Signal Fraction: ± σ : ± Correction Systematic: ±
SampleFractionCor. Fraction σ Unc (absolute)Unc (%) Nominal JER JRE JES up JES down Error determined during running caused by missing input ntuple sample JVF up JVF down BSF up BSF down MET up MET down Tau trig up Tau trig down TES up TES down Tau Eveto SF up Tau Eveto SF down Error determined during running caused by missing input ntuple sample
SampleFractionCor. Fraction σ Unc (absolute) Unc (%) Nominal Range Range Range Range Range Range Bins Bins Bins Bins Range increases/decreases in steps of 20GeV Bin amount increases/decreases in steps of 5
mc11_7TeV T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.merge.NTUP_TOP.e835_s1272_s1274_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp0_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e891_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp1_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e891_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp2_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e887_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp3_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e835_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp4_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e835_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpgenJimmyttbarlnqqNp5_baseline.merge.NTUP_TOP.e835_s1372_s1370_r3043_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_PowHeg_Pythia_P2011C.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1377_a131_s1353_a139_r2900_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_PowHeg_Jimmy.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1198_a131_s1353_a139_r2900_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radHi_KTFac05CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp0.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a 145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radHi_KTFac05CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp1.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a 145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radHi_KTFac05CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp2.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a 145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radHi_KTFac05CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp3.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a 145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radHi_KTFac05CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp4INC.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s135 3_a145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radLo_KTFac2CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp0.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a1 45_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radLo_KTFac2CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp1.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a1 45_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radLo_KTFac2CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp2.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a1 45_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radLo_KTFac2CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp3.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353_a1 45_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV AlpGenPythia_P2011radLo_KTFac2CTEQ5L_ttbarlnqqNp4INC.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1608_a131_s1353 _a145_r2993_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_MT1675_PowHeg_Pythia_P2011C.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1736_s1372_s1370_r3108_r3109_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_MT1700_PowHeg_Pythia_P2011C.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1736_s1372_s1370_r3108_r3109_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_MT1750_PowHeg_Pythia_P2011C.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1736_s1372_s1370_r3108_r3109_p937/ mc11_7TeV TTbar_MT1775_PowHeg_Pythia_P2011C.merge.NTUP_TOP.e1736_s1372_s1370_r3108_r3109_p937/
Y(0): ± Slope: ± Chi2: NDF: 8998
Slope: ± y-intercept: ± Chi2: NDF: 7
Input Fraction Previous Gaussian Mean Output Fraction Unc.Gaussian Mean Output Fraction Unc
RangeFit to MeansFit to All ValuesCorrected σ Y(0)SlopeY(0)Slope 0.1 – – – –
MC Tau Count MC Tau Children pdgIDMC Tau Children Count Leptonic pdgID values: e → 11, μ → 13, τ → 15
Samples Normalized to Own Integrals Samples Normalized to Sum of Integrals
C0: GRL C1: Trigger C2: Primary vertex with ntracks > 4 C3: Electron/muon overlap C4: Jet cleaning C5: Lepton Veto C6: tau n ≥ 1 C7: n jets >= 4 with eta 0.75 C8: MET > 60GeV C9: M T < 80GeV C10: >= 1 b jet C11: Trigger matched tau n ≥ 1 and p T >= 40GeV C12: MC tau object match
Equation: N(x): total number of events of type x for distribution n(x) i : number of events in bin of type x frac(Sig): fraction of N(Remain) expected to be Signal binfrac(x) i : fraction of events in bin of type x expected from MC or template σ i : uncertainty in bin i
σ i determined using factors for: bin error: data signal, MC QCD template other backgrounds, MC statistical error: data: signal region other backgrounds, MC signal, MC QCD template (uncertainty of background region data and all MC background region carried through via default SumW2
Results for plot: chi-square: p-value: ndf: 14 chi/ndf:
Results for plot: chi-square: p-value: ndf: 15 chi/ndf:
Results for plot: chi-square: p-value: ndf: 18 chi/ndf:
Results for plot: chi-square: p-value: ndf: 12 chi/ndf: 1.323
Results for plot: chi-square: p-value: ndf: 11 chi/ndf: 1.308
CutSig EvtsFakesSig Eff.Fake Ratio Rej Fact. Sig/ sqrt(Bkgd) Sig/ Sqrt(Sig+ Bkgd) C5 Lep Veto C6 ntaus > C7 njets C8 MET C9 MT C10 bjet C12 Trig match